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    Suzhou Electric Appliance Research Institute
    期刊號: CN32-1800/TM| ISSN1007-3175

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    來源:電工電氣發布時間:2022-04-20 14:20 瀏覽次數:414


    (國網福建省電力有限公司福州供電公司,福建 福州 350007)
        摘 要:光電功率預測對電網的安全穩定運行以及調度等方面具有重要意義。針對單一預測方法精度較低的問題,提出了一種基于交叉熵理論的光伏發電功率組合預測方法,以單一預測方法和最小化組合預測方法的“差值”為依據,動態地改變不同預測方法的權重,提高組合預測的精度。以某光伏電場為算例進行分析,結果表明,該模型針對不同的天氣,具有較強的預測適應性,可以提高預測精度,減少預測誤差的出現。
        中圖分類號:TM615     文獻標識碼:A     文章編號:1007-3175(2022)04-0017-04
    A Combination Forecasting Method of Photovoltaic Power Generation
    Based on Cross-Entropy Theory
    CHEN Li-xia
    (Fuzhou Power Supply Company, State Grid Fujian Electric Power Co., Ltd, Fuzhou 350007, China)
        Abstract: Photoelectric power prediction has significant meaning to the safe and stable operation and dispatching of power grids. This paper proposed a combined prediction method of photovoltaic power generation based on cross-entropy theory to solve the problem of the low accuracy of the single prediction method. This combined prediction method is based on the“gap”between the single forecast method and the minimized combined forecast method. It changed the weight of different forecasting methods dynamically and improved the accuracy of combined forecasting. This paper took a photovoltaic field as an example to analyze. The result shows that the model has strong prediction adaptability, and it could improve prediction accuracy and reduce prediction errors.
        Key words: photovoltaic power generation; power prediction; cross-entropy; weight; combined prediction
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