(國網江西省電力有限公司超高壓分公司,江西 南昌 330096)
摘 要:通過直流系統輸送功率調整完成現貨交易會對換流站無功調節和換流變分接頭動作產生較大影響。介紹了電力現貨交易的概念、換流站無功調節絕對最小濾波器限制及無功調節 Q 控制、換流變分接頭角度控制和電壓控制原理,闡述了電力現貨交易下的功率調整對換流站無功調節和換流變分接頭動作的影響。結果表明在變量多、頻度高、不確定性大的電力現貨交易模式下,換流站無功濾波器投切次數和換流變分接頭調節次數明顯升高,說明了電力現貨交易在一定程度上會增加換流站系統運行的風險,可能影響運行人員對直流系統的故障預測和判斷的結論。
中圖分類號:TM712 文獻標識碼:A 文章編號:1007-3175(2022)05-0015-04
Influence of Electricity Spot Trading on Reactive Power Regulation and
Tap Changer of Converter Station
CAI Ran, XU Jian-feng, XU Chong-yuan, WANG Zhi
(Ultra High Voltage Company of State Grid Jiangxi Electric Power Corporation, Nanchang 330096, China)
Abstract: The conduction of power transmission of the DC system could help to complete the electricity spot trading. In addition, it might impact the reactive power regulation of the converter station and the action of the converter transformer tap.This paper introduced the concept of electricity spot trading, the absolute minimum filter limit for reactive power regulation in converter stations, and the principle of Q control of reactive power regulation, tap changer of the converter transformer angle control, and voltage control.Moreover, it introduced the influence of the power adjustment under the electricity spot trading on the reactive power adjustment of the converter station and the tap changer action of the converter transformer.The results show that under the electricity spot trading mode with multiple variables, high frequency, and high uncertainty, the switching times of the reactive power filter of the converter station and the adjustment times of the tap changer are significantly increased.Besides, it elaborates that the electricity spot trading could improve the risk of the converter station system operation, which might affect the fault prediction and judgment of the operators for the DC system.
Key words: electricity spot trading; DC; reactive power regulation; converter transformer tap
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