10 kV變壓器鐵芯振動特性研究
(沈陽工業大學 電氣工程學院,遼寧 沈陽 110870)
摘 要:為研究變壓器鐵芯振動特性,以一臺 S11-M-200/10 kV 油浸式變壓器為對象,建立三維瞬態仿真模型,進行電路-磁場-固體力學的多場耦合仿真,計算分析了空載下鐵芯內部磁場分布和磁致伸縮振動特性,結果表明施加預緊力條件下,鐵扼 z 方向和鐵芯柱 x 方向的振動加速度值較大。在此基礎上,采集該變壓器空載條件下 B 相鐵芯頂部振動加速度,對比結果表明該仿真模型能夠準確反映鐵芯振動特性。
中圖分類號:TM411 文獻標識碼:A 文章編號:1007-3175(2022)06-0019-05
Research on Vibration Characteristics of the Iron Core of 10 kV Transformer
WANG Hong-sheng, XU Jian-yuan, CAO Chen, FAN Yi-ming
(School of Electrical Engineering, Shenyang University of Technology, Shenyang 110870, China)
Abstract: This paper took an S11-M-200/10 kV oil-immersed transformer as the study object to research the vibration characteristics of the iron core.It established a 3D transient simulation model to carry out the multi-field coupling simulation of circuit-magnetic field-solid mechanics.It calculated and analyzed the magnetic internal field distribution and magnetostrictive vibration characteristics of the iron core under no load.The results show that the vibration acceleration of iron choke z-direction and core column x-direction increased under the pre-tightening force.Based on the result, this study collected the vibration acceleration of the top of the B-phase iron core under the no-load condition of the transformer.The comparison results show that the simulation model could reflect the vibration characteristics of the iron core.
Key words: transformer; vibration of iron core; multi-field coupling; magnetostriction
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