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    Suzhou Electric Appliance Research Institute
    期刊號: CN32-1800/TM| ISSN1007-3175

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    來源:電工電氣發布時間:2022-06-21 14:21 瀏覽次數:367


    (國網上海市電力公司市北供電公司,上海 200072)
        摘 要:線路發生間歇性接地故障時接地電流較小,并且具有瞬間性的特點。針對瞬時接地電流會導致接地電阻溫度升高的特點,提出對主變接地電阻等裝置以 200 ms 的采樣頻率進行非接觸視覺檢測以及監控瞬時溫升,獲取接地電阻的表面、室內外、油枕油位等溫度數據,利用檢測得到的大量數據通過 BP 神經網絡來優化診斷結果,從而改善系統檢測的滯后性,達到快速判斷并處理故障?;跀祿寗拥臄祵W模型,對間歇性接地故障進行預警和告警,并通過實驗驗證了該方案的可行性與有效性。
        關鍵詞: 間歇性接地故障;視覺檢測;紅外熱成像;邊緣計算;數據驅動模型
        中圖分類號:TM862     文獻標識碼:A     文章編號:1007-3175(2022)06-0008-06

    Research on Intermittent Grounding Fault Based on Visual Detection

    JIANG Wen-bin, SU Jun, CHAI Jun, LU Zeng-jie
    (State Grid Shanghai Electric Power Co., Ltd. Shibei Power Supply Company, Shanghai 200072, China)
        Abstract: The grounding current is small when the line meets intermittent grounding fault, and it has an instantaneous characteristic.The instantaneous grounding current could trigger the temperature rise of the grounding resistance. This paper proposed non-contact visual detection and instantaneous temperature rise monitor for the sampling frequency of 200 ms of the grounding resistance device of the main transformer to collect temperature data in different locations. This paper used the detected data and the BP neural network to optimize the diagnostic result. It improved the hysteresis of the system and helped to detect and manage the faults. In addition, it could warn and alarm the intermittent grounding fault based on the data-driven model. The experiment verifies the feasibility and effectiveness of the scheme.
        Key words: intermittent grounding fault; visual detection; infrared thermal imaging; edge calculation; data-driven model
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