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    Suzhou Electric Appliance Research Institute
    期刊號: CN32-1800/TM| ISSN1007-3175

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    來源:電工電氣發布時間:2022-07-18 14:18 瀏覽次數:289


    (國網上海市電力公司市南供電公司,上海 200233)
        摘 要:為更好地發現高效的降損措施,并為科學地制定線損目標提供依據,提出了一種基于自組織競爭神經網絡的 RPROP 神經網絡的線損計算方法。RPROP 神經網絡確保了網絡在有限的訓練次數下能夠收斂,利用自組織競爭神經網絡對信息數據進行有效分類,提高了 RPROP 神經網絡的輸出精度。通過在 MATLAB 平臺進行仿真實驗,并與線性回歸算法、標準 BP 神經網絡算法,以及未分類的 RPROP 算法進行比較,驗證了該方法的有效性。
        關鍵詞: 線性回歸算法;BP 神經網絡;RPROP 神經網絡;自組織競爭神經網絡;線損
        中圖分類號:TM744     文獻標識碼:A     文章編號:1007-3175(2022)07-0031-04
    The Research on Line Loss Calculation of RPROP Algorithm Based on
    Self-Organizing Competitive Network
    ZHANG Yan, XU Wei-feng
    (State Grid Shanghai Shinan Electric Power Supply Company, Shanghai 200233, China)
        Abstract: This paper proposed a line loss calculation based on the self-organizing competitive network of the RPROP neural network to find efficient loss reduction measures and provide the basis for scientifically formulating line loss targets.The RPROP neural network ensured that the network could converge under a limited number of training times. Moreover, it utilized a self-organizing competitive neural network to effectively classify informative data, which improved the output accuracy of the RPROP neural network.By doing simulation experiments on the MATLAB platform and comparing with linear regression algorithm, standard BP neural network algorithm, unclassified RPROP algorithm,it verified the effectiveness of the proposed method.
        Key words: linear regression algorithm; BP neural network; RPROP neural network; self-organizing competitive neural network; line loss
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