Abstract: The highest heating point of the EHV GIS bus often occurs in contacts and contact fingers. This paper used the finite element method to establish a coupled finite element solution model of the magnetic field, flow field, and temperature field of the 550 kV GIS bus with contacts and contact fingers. This research simplified the contact finger and calculated the power dissipation of components from different parts, such as bus conductor, contact, and finger contact. It took the contact finger as a heat source, coupled to flow field and temperature field solving model, furthermore figure out the bus temperature field distribution. In addition, it compared the calculation results to the data of the temperature rise test. The contact temperature error was 0.3%, the conductor temperature error was 1.04%, and the outside temperature error was 4%. The data verified the rationality and correctness of the simplified model of the contact finger. All in all this research has significance to the bus design and the temperature field of contact and contact finger.
Key words: conract; contact finger; GIS bus; coupled field; contact resistance; temperature field
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