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    Suzhou Electric Appliance Research Institute
    期刊號: CN32-1800/TM| ISSN1007-3175

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    40.5 kV開關柜絕緣件性能降低原因分析

    來源:電工電氣發布時間:2022-09-26 14:26 瀏覽次數:353

    40.5 kV開關柜絕緣件性能降低原因分析

    (1 云南電網有限責任公司臨滄供電局,云南 臨滄 677000;
    2 上海雷博司電氣股份有限公司,上海 201807)
        摘 要:在外部運行環境和電網負荷的雙重影響下,40.5 kV 開關柜絕緣件故障問題愈發嚴重。為了驗證絕緣件性能下降的原因,對不同時間段的 40.5 kV 觸頭盒進行了工頻、局放性能測試,研究了絕緣材料配比、環境吸潮等因素對絕緣件性能的影響,并結合紅外、熱重等分析方法,總結出了絕緣件性能下降的主要影響因素。
        關鍵詞: 40.5 kV 開關柜;絕緣件;環氧樹脂;局部放電
        中圖分類號:TM591     文獻標識碼:B     文章編號:1007-3175(2022)09-0042-04
    Analysis of Performance Degradation of the Insulating
    Part of 40.5 kV Switch Cabinet
    WANG Ren1, SHI Cheng-yun1, LIN Xin1, WANG Hui1, SHI Zhen-peng2
    (1 Lincang Power Supply Bureau of Yunnan Power Grid Co., Ltd, Lincang 677000, China;
    2 Shanghai ROX Electric Co., Ltd, Shanghai 201807, China)
        Abstract: Performance degradation of insulating parts of the 40.5 kV switch cabinet has been a severe problem because of the influence of the external operating environment and the power grid load. This paper applied the power frequency test and the partial discharge test on the 40.5 kV contact boxes at various times and studied many factors that could impact the performance of the insulting part, such as the ratio of insulating materials and environmental moisture absorption. It summarizes the main influencing factors of the performance degradation of the insulating part by employing analysis methods, such as IR test and TGA test.
        Key words: 40.5 kV switch cabinet; insulating part; epoxy resin; partial discharge
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