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    Suzhou Electric Appliance Research Institute
    期刊號: CN32-1800/TM| ISSN1007-3175

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    來源:電工電氣發布時間:2022-09-26 16:26 瀏覽次數:335


    (上海電機學院 電氣學院,上海 201306)
        摘 要:在局部遮蔭下的多峰值 P-U 曲線尋優中,最大功率點跟蹤 (MPPT) 容易陷入局部最優,跟蹤速度和精度都無法兼顧,跟蹤振蕩大,造成光伏能量損失。提出了一種基于交錯 Boost 和聲搜索- 擾動觀察法混合算法 (HS-P&O) 的光伏 MPPT 控制方法,在和聲搜索算法 (HS) 全局搜索過程中引入音調隨機收斂因子ω,在局部搜索中與 P&O 算法進行協同控制;利用交錯 Boost 的導通特性減小在發電過程中的紋波,減小輸出振蕩,加入開關電感提高電壓增益,使算法能夠更快到達最大功率點附近進行搜索。在 MATLAB/Simulink 中搭建了仿真模型,實驗對比表明,所提控制方法響應速度快,光照突變前后均能迅速跟蹤到全局最大功率點,在收斂速度和跟蹤精度上都有所提高,穩定性良好。
        關鍵詞: 局部遮蔭;最大功率點跟蹤;和聲搜索算法;浮地交錯;開關電感
        中圖分類號:TM914.4     文獻標識碼:A     文章編號:1007-3175(2022)09-0007-06
    Research on MPPT Simulation of Hybrid HS Algorithm
    Based on Improved Topology
    LIANG Zhi-chao, LI Meng-da, ZHENG Xu-bin, YAO Lin-ping
    (School of Electrical Engineering, Shanghai Dianji University, Shanghai 201306, China)
        Abstract: The MPPT algorithm might fall into the local optimum in curvilinear optimization of the multi-peak P-U curve under partial shading.Because of this situation, the tracking speed and accuracy could not achieve a balance. The tracking vibration is large, which causes the loss of photovoltaic energy. This paper proposed a photovoltaic MPPT control method based on switched inductor floating interleaved Boost and the hybrid HS algorithm. In addition, it introduced the random convergence factor ω in the global search process of the harmony search (HS) algorithm and coordinated with the P&O algorithm in the local search. Besides, it used the conduction characteristics of the interleaved Boost to reduce the ripple in the power generation process, decrease the output oscillation, and add the switching inductance to increase the voltage gain. By doing this, the algorithm could reach the maximum power point faster for searching. This research constructed a simulation model in MATLAB/Simulink. The experimental comparison shows that the proposed control method has excellent response speed. Moreover, it could quickly track the global maximum power point before and after the light mutation. It improves the convergence speed and tracking accuracy, and the stability is good.
        Key words: partial shading; maximun power point tracking; harmony search algorithm; floating interleaved; switched inductor
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