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    Suzhou Electric Appliance Research Institute
    期刊號: CN32-1800/TM| ISSN1007-3175

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    來源:電工電氣發布時間:2022-10-25 13:25 瀏覽次數:382


    (天津理工大學 電氣工程與自動化學院,天津 300384)
        摘 要:針對斷續導通模式下的 Buck 變換器因負載參數敏感而引發的無預測性分岔現象,設計了一種以無源延時反饋控制為核心的改進無源控制方法。建立了 Buck 變換器在脈寬調制策略下的離散迭代映射數學模型,分析了非線性分岔行為的產生機理;以抑制強隨機性分岔現象為目標,引入無源延時反饋控制策略,并替代傳統比例積分矢量控制;為優化系統動態響應,提升系統波形質量,引入指數優化通道,形成改進無源反饋控制。通過 MATLAB/Simulink 仿真平臺,搭建了 Buck 降壓變換器物理拓撲仿真模型,驗證分岔抑制情況,并設計不同工況進行多條件下的系統特性驗證。仿真結果表明:改進無源反饋控制下的變換器系統既具備抑制分岔行為的抗擾能力,又可使系統輸出波形質量佳的優質電能。
        關鍵詞: Buck 變換器;斷續導通模式;分岔現象;改進無源反饋控制
        中圖分類號:TM46 ;TN624     文獻標識碼:A     文章編號:1007-3175(2022)10-0001-09
    Research on the Situation of Bifurcation Suppression of Buck Converters
    Under the Improved Passive Delay Feedback Control Method
    MA Chuang, GAO Zhi-qiang, GUO Shuai-chao, ZHANG Chao
    (College of Electrical Engineering and Automation, Tianjin University of Technology, Tianjin 300384, China)
        Abstract: This research proposed an improved passive control method based on passive delay feedback control to solve the unpredictability bifurcation phenomenon of Buck converter in intermittent conduction mode due to the sensitivity of load parameters. It constructed the discrete iterative mapping mathematical model of Buck converter under pulse width modulation strategy to analyze the generation mechanism of nonlinear bifurcation behavior. In addition, this paper introduced a passive delay feedback control strategy to replace the traditional proportional integral vector control for suppressing the strong stochastic bifurcation. Besides, it introduced an exponential optimization channel to form an improved passive feedback control for optimizing the dynamic response and improving the waveform quality of the system. Furthermore, this study built the physical topology simulation model of the Buck converter based on the MATLAB/Simulink simulation platform to verify the bifurcation suppression. It also designed different working conditions to check the system characteristics under multiple situations.The simulation result shows that the converter system under the improved passive feedback control not only has the anti-interference ability to suppress the bifurcation behavior, but also could make the system output high-quality electric energy with good waveform quality.
        Key words: Buck converter; intermittent conduction mode; bifurcation phenomenon; improve passive delay feedback control
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