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    Suzhou Electric Appliance Research Institute
    期刊號: CN32-1800/TM| ISSN1007-3175

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    來源:電工電氣發布時間:2022-11-25 12:25 瀏覽次數:213


    (1 大唐水電科學技術研究院有限公司,廣西 南寧 530007;
    2 大唐觀音巖水電開發有限公司,云南 昆明 650011;
    3 中國長江電力股份有限公司 技術研究中心,湖北 宜昌 443000)
        摘 要:目前已有許多在線監測裝置能夠成功獲取到避雷器過電壓的電流、電壓信號,也可對過電壓作用時刻進行記錄,但尚未開展對避雷器沖擊電流幅值及波形的記錄研究,錯過了通過避雷器沖擊電流這一信息量豐富的狀態量開展數據挖掘的嘗試。采用現場試驗的方式,對雷電過電壓作用下避雷器尾端電流進行了實測,通過建立避雷器有限元場分析模型提取分布參數,使用電磁暫態仿真軟件 ATP-EMTP 建立過電壓分析模型,仿真得到避雷器尾端沖擊電流結果,將實測數據和仿真數據進行對比,驗證了基于避雷器尾端電流監測反演避雷器首端過電壓幅值和波形的可行性,并提出利用快速傅里葉變換方法,通過尾端電流反演出首端電壓,為開展過電壓幅值及類別的智能識別提供了技術支撐。
        關鍵詞: 避雷器;過電壓;尾端電流;首端電壓;快速傅里葉變換
        中圖分類號:TM862     文獻標識碼:A     文章編號:1007-3175(2022)11-0051-05
    Research on the Feasibility of Overvoltage Inversion by Monitoring
    Lightning Arrester Tail-End Current
    HU Si-yu1, GUO Hai-xia2, KUAI Li-juan2, ZHANG Chun-hui3, SHAN Qi-gang2, LIU Shou-bao1, DONG Yun-long2
    (1 Datang Hydropower Science & Technology Research Institute Co., Ltd, Nanning 530007, China;
    2 Datang Guanyinyan Hydropower Development Co., Ltd, Kunming 650011, China;
    3 Technical Research Center of China Changjiang Electric Power Co., Ltd, Yichang 443000, China)
        Abstract: Many online monitoring devices could obtain the signals of current and voltage when the overvoltage of lightning arrester occurs.In addition, those devices could record the moment when the overvoltage operates. However, there is barely any research on recording the amplitude and waveform of the inrush current of the arrester, which means researchers might miss the opportunities of data mining of the inrush current.This paper monitored the current of the arrester tail-end under the action of the lightning overvoltage in the field test. Moreover, it collected the distributed parameter by establishing the analytic model of the arrester and used the ATP-EMTP software to construct the analytic model of overvoltage. This study got the results of the inrush current of the arrester tail-end from the simulation. It compared the testing data with the simulation data, and it verifyed the feasibility of overvoltage inversion by monitoring lightning arrester tail-end current. Moreover, it proposed the fast Fourier transform method and employed tail-end current to invert the head-end voltage. Providing technical support for the intelligent identification of overvoltage amplitude and overvoltage type.
        Key words: lightning arrester; overvoltage; tail-end current; head-end voltage; fast Fourier transform
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