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    Suzhou Electric Appliance Research Institute
    期刊號: CN32-1800/TM| ISSN1007-3175

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    來源:電工電氣發布時間:2022-12-22 10:22 瀏覽次數:244


    (中國大唐集團科學技術研究總院有限公司華東電力試驗研究院,安徽 合肥 230088)
        摘 要:對于大型汽輪發電機,可以擬合分析空載電動勢和勵磁電流的關系,通過比較實際勵磁電流和擬合得出的理論勵磁電流來判斷轉子繞組是否存在匝間短路。以發電機 SIS 數據為基礎,針對純線性擬合模型精度較差的問題,提出了基于無功功率分段擬合的模型擬合方法,得到的擬合函數是勵磁電流關于無功功率和空載電動勢的二元函數,有效提升了擬合模型的精度,提高了汽輪發電機轉子繞組匝間短路故障診斷的靈敏性和可靠性。該方法在工程實踐中成功驗證了某 600 MW 發電機的轉子匝間絕緣故障。
        關鍵詞: 轉子匝間短路;線性擬合;絕緣故障;無功功率
        中圖分類號:TM311     文獻標識碼:B     文章編號:1007-3175(2022)12-0063-06
    Research on Diagnosis Method of Inter-Turn Short Circuit of Generator
    Rotors Based on the Principle of Virtual Power
    ZHANG Shu-ming
    (East China Electric Power Test and Research Institute, China Datang Corporation Science and
    Technology General Research Institude Co., Ltd, Hefei 230088, China)
        Abstract: It is able to make fitting analysis of the relations between unloaded electromotive force and excitation current for large turbo-generators. The paper compares the actual excitation current with the theoretical excitation current gotten from fitting experiments to judge whether there is inter-turn short circuit of rotor winding or not. The paper, based on the SIS data of generators, to solve the problem of low accuracy of pure linear fitting model puts forward the model fitting method from the perspective of powerless power piecewise fitting.The fitting function obtained from this method is the function of two variables which are powerless power and unloaded electromotive force,increasing the accuracy of fitting model and improving the sensitivity and reliability of diagnosing rotor inter-turn short circuit fault. According to the engineering practice, the method successfully verifies the rotor inter-turn insulation fault of a 600 MW generator.
        Key words: rotor inter-turn short circuit; linear fitting; insulation fault; powerless power
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