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    Suzhou Electric Appliance Research Institute
    期刊號: CN32-1800/TM| ISSN1007-3175

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    來源:電工電氣發布時間:2023-02-07 09:07 瀏覽次數:352


    (許繼集團有限公司,河南 許昌 461000)
        摘 要:為解決直流開關設備成本較高的問題,提出一種經濟型直流負荷開關的技術方案。結合所提出的技術方案,研究電流基于電弧電壓向電力電子器件自然轉移與電流基于電力電子器件強制轉移的技術原理;根據實際參數建立仿真模型,模擬了負荷電流及小電流的開斷過程;針對原理樣機進行開斷試驗,驗證了所提技術方案的可行性。研究表明:所提技術方案可實現雙向開斷,無需辨別方向,3 ms 內快速截斷故障電流,且減少電力電子器件的使用數量,為經濟型的直流開關研究提供一個新的思路。
        關鍵詞: 直流負荷開關;電流轉移;電弧電壓;重合閘;直流配電網
        中圖分類號:TM564.2     文獻標識碼:A     文章編號:1007-3175(2023)01-0022-06
    Technical Research on the Economical DC Load Switch
    LIANG Ji-tao, JI Jiang-hui, WANG Qi-zhong
    (XJ Group Co., Ltd, Xuchang 461000, China)
        Abstract: A technical scheme of the economical DC load switch is put forward to solve the problem of high-cost dc switchgear. According to the scheme, the paper first analyzes technical principles of spontaneous current transfer to power electronic devices based on arc voltage and the forced current transfer based on power electronic devices. Second, the simulation model is established on the basis of actual parameters to simulate the interruption process of load current and small current. Third, breaking tests for the prototype are carried out to verify the feasibility of this scheme. The results show that the scheme has capacity of bidirectional breaking with no need of direction identification. It can quickly cut off the fault current within 3 ms and reduce the number of power electronic devices, which offers a new idea to study the economical DC switch.
        Key words: DC load switch; current transfer; arc voltage; reclosing breaker; DC distribution network
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