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    Suzhou Electric Appliance Research Institute
    期刊號: CN32-1800/TM| ISSN1007-3175

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    來源:電工電氣發布時間:2023-02-07 09:07 瀏覽次數:368


    (陜西鐵路工程職業技術學院,陜西 渭南 714000)
        摘 要:逆變型分布式電源 (IIDG) 接入配電網使得傳統短路的電流計算方法不再適用?,F有含 IIDG 配電網的短路計算方法基于節點阻抗矩陣迭代求解,當故障發生在線路中間時,存在計算量大、計算時間長的問題。通過對配電網故障時的復合序網分析,并考慮 IIDG 并網點電壓和其輸出電流的耦合關系,提出了一種以系統接入 IIDG 前三相金屬性短路電流為初值,直接迭代計算含 IIDG 配電網短路電流的新方法。該方法不需要生成和處理節點阻抗矩陣,節點數目不影響計算用時,可快速計算含 IIDG 配電網的各種相間短路電流。通過算例仿真計算并與現有計算方法相比較,驗證了所提方法的有效性和快速性。
        關鍵詞: 配電網;短路電流計算;逆變型分布式電源;故障特性;復合序網
        中圖分類號:TM464 ;TM711     文獻標識碼:A     文章編號:1007-3175(2023)01-0015-07
    Short-Circuit Current Calculation for Distribution Network
    Connected with Inverter Interfaced Distributed Generator
    WANG De-ming, XIE Chen, CHEN Kai, MAO Xiao-shu
    (Shaanxi Railway Institute, Weinan 714000, China)
        Abstract: The inverter interfaced distributed generator (IIDG) connected to the distribution network makes the traditional short-circuit current calculation method no longer applicable. The existing short-circuit current calculation for distribution network connected with inverter interfaced distributed generators, based on bus impedance matrix iteration, has two disadvantages-larger calculation amount and longer calculating time, especially when a fault occurs in the middle of the line. The authors, analyzing composite-sequence nets of faulted distribution network and considering the coupling relationship between PCC voltage and output current of IIDG, put forward a new method, which sets three-phase metallic short circuit with no IIDG connected to the system as initial value and uses direct iteration calculation. It is able to fast calculate inter-phase short circuit from IIDG connected to distribution networks because it does not need to generate and process bus impedance matrix and the number of nodes does not affect the calculating time. It is verified that this method is valid and efficient by comparing example simulation calculation with existing calculation methods.
        Key words: distribution network; short-circuit current calculation; inverter interfaced distributed generator; fault characteristic; composite-sequence net
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