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    Suzhou Electric Appliance Research Institute
    期刊號: CN32-1800/TM| ISSN1007-3175

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    來源:電工電氣發布時間:2023-03-04 10:04 瀏覽次數:322


    (中訊郵電咨詢設計院有限公司,北京 100048)
        摘要:配電網一二次設備融合后,二次設備因長期處于一次高溫環境中,其內部電子器件性能易受溫度影響。分析了溫度對二次設備內元件及信號調理電路的影響,基于高低溫試驗環境箱搭建了試驗測試平臺,通過采集二次設備互感器的比值差和相位差進行測量精準度的對比分析,為提高測量精準度,提出采用非線性軟件補償方式,并進行了軟件算法原理分析和試驗驗證。試驗結果表明,取樣電阻和差分運算放大電路的溫度相關系數是影響二次設備采集準確度的關鍵,溫度變化會造成二次設備的測量準確度下降,在高溫60 ℃、低溫-30 ℃左右已不能滿足配電開關的要求,加入非線性軟件補償后比值差變化在0.15%~0.3% 之間波動,可以有效提高測量準確度。
        關鍵詞: 配電網;溫度變化;一二次融合;測量準確度;二次設備
        中圖分類號:TM642     文獻標識碼:B     文章編號:1007-3175(2023)02-0057-06
    Temperature Effect on Measuring Accuracy of Primary and
    Secondary Fusion Equipment of Distribution Network
    ZHAO Hai-yang, TENG Da, JIANG Xiao-jun, HOU Yong-tao
    (China Information Technology Designing & Consulting Institute Co., Ltd, Beijing 100048, China)
        Abstract: The performance of internal electronic devices of the secondary equipment is susceptible to temperature because the secondary equipment has been in the primary high temperature environment for a long time after primary and secondary fusion of the distribution network. The paper analyzes temperature effects on internal devices of the secondary equipment and signal conditioning circuit, and it also establishes a test platform based on the high and low temperature environmental chamber. The measuring accuracy is compared and analyzed by collecting ratio error and phase difference of the secondary equipment transducers. Moreover, the paper puts forward a nonlinear software compensation method and conducts the software algorithm principle analysis and test verification to increase the measuring accuracy. The results show that the temperature correlation coefficient of sampling resistance and differential operational amplifier circuit are the key factors to acquisition accuracy of the secondary equipment. Temperature variation decreases measuring accuracy of the secondary equipment. It cannot meet the requirement of distribution switches at high temperature of 60 ℃ and low temperature of -30 ℃. The measuring accuracy can be effectively increased by employing the nonlinear software compensation method which ensures the fluctuation of the ratio error between 0.15% and 0.3%.
        Key words: distribution network; temperature variation; primary and secondary fusion; measuring accuracy; secondary equipment
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