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    Suzhou Electric Appliance Research Institute
    期刊號: CN32-1800/TM| ISSN1007-3175

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    來源:電工電氣發布時間:2023-03-31 10:31 瀏覽次數:349


    (中國能源建設集團廣東省電力設計研究院有限公司,廣東 廣州 510663)
        摘 要:大部分數據中心能源管控平臺采用傳統產業園區能源管控平臺,沒有考慮數據中心綠色電源供給方式、算力資源與電冷負荷相互映射等特點,園區能源協同運用效率不高。分析了數據中心用能結構和能源供給方式,研究了能源結構和供給對平臺功能的需求,進而設計了數據中心能源管控平臺的整體架構;根據能源應用需求和特征,以常規園區綜合能源平臺為基礎,研究了數據中心平臺的核心功能,包括中長期綠電代交易、算力和負荷協調優化調度、能效指標管控等,為指導數據中心能源管控平臺建設,避免數據中心能源管控平臺沿用產業園區平臺的不適用性,有效提升數據中心能源綜合利用效率提供了參考。
        關鍵詞: 數據中心;綜合能源管控平臺;架構與功能
        中圖分類號:TK01+8     文獻標識碼:A     文章編號:1007-3175(2023)03-0066-05
    Research on the Structure and Function of Integrated Energy
    Management Platform of Data Center
    LIU Jin-sheng, XIAO Ling-feng, LI Zhi-keng, YANG Hai-sen
    (China Energy Engineering Group Guangdong Electric Power Design Institute Co., Ltd, Guangzhou 510663, China)
        Abstract: Traditional energy management platforms of industrial parks have low efficiency of cooperative utilization of energy because they ignore the green power supply mode of data centers, the mutual mapping between computing power resources and electric cooling load,etc. To solve this problem, the paper designs the overall architecture of the energy management platform of data center after analyzing the energy-using structure, energy-supply mode and their demand for functions in the platform. Then, according to energy application requirements and characteristics, the paper, based on the integrated energy platforms of conventional industrial parks, makes research on core functions of the data center platform including medium and long-term substitute green power trading, optimization of computing power and load coordination and energy efficiency index control. This research provides guidance for constructing the energy management platform of data center to avoid its inapplicability when continuing using platforms of industrial parks and improving the energy utilization efficiency.
        Key words: data center; integrated energy management platform; structure and function
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