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    Suzhou Electric Appliance Research Institute
    期刊號: CN32-1800/TM| ISSN1007-3175

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    252 kV SF6/N2混合氣體GIS用盆式絕緣子的設計研究

    來源:電工電氣發布時間:2023-05-27 14:27 瀏覽次數:312

    252 kV SF6/N2混合氣體GIS用盆式絕緣子的設計研究

    (正泰電氣股份有限公司,上海 201614)
        摘 要:開發了三種 252 kV SF6/N2 混合氣體全封閉氣體絕緣組合電器(GIS)用盆式絕緣子設計方案,分別為單向凸式盆式絕緣子、雙側對稱曲面型盆式絕緣子、雙側對稱直板型盆式絕緣子,從電場強度、生產裝配和安全運行等方面考察了三種設計方案的優缺點,綜合分析和比較后最終選擇雙側對稱曲面型盆式絕緣子,通過對該型盆式絕緣子的絕緣試驗和水壓破壞試驗來驗證設計和計算的可靠性,試制結果表明一次性通過絕緣和水壓破壞試驗。這種設計開發過程和仿真計算相結合,大大減少試驗摸索,加快研發進程,提高試制成功率,為其他電壓等級盆式絕緣子的設計提供了參考。
        關鍵詞: 全封閉氣體絕緣組合電器;混合氣體;盆式絕緣子;電場強度;機械強度
        中圖分類號:TM216 ;TM595     文獻標識碼:A     文章編號:1007-3175(2023)05-0058-05
    Design and Research of Basin-Type Insulators for
    252 kV SF6/N2 Mixed Gas GIS
    WU Qi, YUAN Zhi-bing, SUN Rong-chun, GUO Jian-huo
    (Chint Electric Co., Ltd, Shanghai 201614, China)
        Abstract: Three design schemes of basin-type insulators for 252 kV SF6/N2 mixed gas GIS have been developed in this paper, and they are unilateral convex basin-type insulators, double-sided symmetrical curved basin-type insulators and double-sided symmetrical straight plate basin-type insulators. The advantages and disadvantages of these three design schemes have been comprehensively investigated from the aspects of electric field intensity, production assembly and safe operation, and the double-sided symmetrical curved basin-type insulators have been finally selected after comprehensive analysis and comparison. The reliability of its design and calculation is verified by insulation tests and hydraulic damage tests, and the tests results show that the double-sided symmetrical curved basin-type insulators can pass these tests at one time. The combination of design and development and simulation calculation can greatly reduce test groping, speed up research and development process and raise the success rate of trial production, providing guidance and reference for the design of basin-type insulators of other voltage levels.
        Key words: gas insulated switchgear; mixed gas; basin-type insulator; electric field intensity; mechanical strength
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