(1 中國南方電網電力調度控制中心,廣東 廣州 510530;
2 北京四方繼保自動化股份有限公司,北京 100085)
摘 要:針對新能源并網、高壓直流輸電存在的寬頻振蕩問題,以同步相量測量裝置 (PMU) 為基礎,將寬頻測量結果納入廣域同步測量系統 (WAMS) 勢在必行。為實現寬頻測量結果的實時傳輸,分析了現行的主子站同步相量通信規約, 并在此基礎上提出兩種不同的寬頻測量規約擴展方案,并從數據傳輸帶寬、工程改造和可擴展性等方面對兩種方案進行了分析,旨為 PMU 裝置寬頻測量傳輸規約的制定和完善提供基礎支撐。
關鍵詞: 同步相量測量裝置;寬頻測量;通信傳輸;規約擴展
中圖分類號:TM734 文獻標識碼:A 文章編號:1007-3175(2023)05-0048-05
Research on Communication Protocol for Synchronized
Wide-Frequency Measurement
LI Jin1, LIU Ke-meng1, GUO Fang2, SHI Bo-nian2, XIE Xiao-dong2
(1 China Southern Power Grid Power Dispatching Control Center, Guangzhou 510530, China;
2 Beijing Sifang Automation Co.,Ltd, Beijing 100085, China)
Abstract: The new energy grid connection and HVDC transmission have the problem of wide-range-frequency oscillations, so it is imperative to incorporate wide-frequency measurement results into the Wide Area Measurement System (WAMS) based on the Phasor Measurement Unit (PMU). To realize real-time transmission of wide-frequency measurement results, the paper analyzes the current synchronized phasor communication protocol of main stations and substations and proposes two different expansion schemes of wide-frequency measurement protocol. It makes analysis of two schemes from the aspects of data transmission bandwidth, engineering reconstruction and expandability to lay foundation for formulating and improving the wide-frequency measurement transmission protocol of PMU.
Key words: phasor measurement unit; wide-frequency measurement; communication transmission; protocol extension
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