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    Suzhou Electric Appliance Research Institute
    期刊號: CN32-1800/TM| ISSN1007-3175

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    來源:電工電氣發布時間:2023-05-28 09:28 瀏覽次數:298


    (湖南工業大學 電氣與信息工程學院,湖南 株洲 412007)
        摘 要:針對傳統建模方式下電機控制性能易受參數攝動影響的問題,提出一種改進型無模型滑模控制方法。建立超局部模型降低控制系統對電機參數的依賴,并結合新型趨近律設計改進型無模型滑模控制器,利用擴展滑模擾動觀測器補償系統未知部分。實驗結果表明,該方法響應速度更快,魯棒性更強。
        關鍵詞: 永磁同步電機;新型趨近律;無模型滑??刂?/div>
        中圖分類號:TM341 ;TM571     文獻標識碼:A     文章編號:1007-3175(2023)05-0001-06
    Research on Model-Free Sliding Mode Control of
    PMSM Based on the New Reaching Law
    ZHANG Xiao-hu, WANG Yi-qian, QIAO Chao-jie
    (College of Electrical and Information Engineering, Hunan University of Technology, Zhuzhou 412007, China)
        Abstract: The motor control performance under the traditional modeling approach is susceptible to parameter variety, so an improved model-free sliding mode control method is proposed. It builds an ultra-local model to reduce dependence of the control system on motor parameters, designs an improved model-free sliding mode controller based on the new reaching law, and adopts an extended sliding mode disturbance observer to compensate the unknown part of the system. The experimental results show that this method is of faster response and stronger robustness.
        Key words: permanent magnet synchronous motor; new reaching law; model-free sliding mode control
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