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    Suzhou Electric Appliance Research Institute
    期刊號: CN32-1800/TM| ISSN1007-3175

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    來源:電工電氣發布時間:2023-07-01 10:01 瀏覽次數:240


    (1 魯東大學 蔚山船舶與海洋學院,山東 煙臺 264025;
    2 國網山東省電力公司超高壓公司,山東 濟南 250118;
    3 國網山東省電力公司淄博供電分公司,山東 淄博 255000)
        摘 要:針對風電出力間歇性和大量電動汽車隨機接入配電網的充放電行為會造成配電網功率波動等問題,提出了基于動態分時電價的電動汽車與風電協同優化調度策略。建立了動力電池損耗和風電出力模型,完善了用戶和電網兩側的需求;考慮電網穩定性以及不同時段內電動汽車用戶進行充放電的成本與收益,構建了以用戶充電成本、配電網綜合負荷波動以及網損成本最小為目標的數學模型。為解決多變量、多目標約束的優化問題,采取最大模糊滿意度法將多目標問題進行歸一化處理;利用改進的正余弦優化算法,將充、放電功率和充、放電電價等作為變量進行尋優。IEEE 33 節點算例多場景仿真結果表明,所提策略可以隨電動汽車入網信息的變化動態調整電價,增強風電消納能力,同時在減小峰谷差、減少充電成本和降低網損等方面效果明顯。
        關鍵詞: 電動汽車;風電協同優化調度;動態電價;正余弦優化算法
        中圖分類號:TM715 ;U469.72     文獻標識碼:A     文章編號:1007-3175(2023)06-0014-08
    Collaborative Optimal Strategy of Electric Vehicles and Wind Power with the
    Consideration of Electricity Price Optimization
    PAN Wei-ru1, WEI Zhe2, SUN Qi3, HUANG Wen-long3, WANG Xiao-dong3
    (1 Ulsan Ship and Ocean College, Ludong University, Yantai 264025, China;
    2 State Grid Shandong Electric Extrahigh Voltage Company, Jinan 250118, China;
    3 State Grid Shandong Electric Power Company Zibo Power Supply Branch Company, Zibo 255000, China)
        Abstract: In order to solve the problems of intermittent wind power output and distribution network power fluctuation caused by a large number of electric vehicles randomly accessing to the distribution network to charge and discharge, the paper proposes a collaborative optimal scheduling strategy of electric vehicles and wind power based on dynamic time-of-use price. First, models of power battery loss and wind power output are established to improve the needs of both users and power grids. Second, with the consideration of power grid stability and costs and benefits of electric vehicle users’ charging and discharging in different periods, a mathematical model is built to realize the goal of minimizing the user charging costs,the comprehensive load fluctuation of the distribution network and the network loss costs. Third, to optimize the multivariable and multi-objective constraints, the maximum fuzzy satisfaction method is adopted to normalize the multi-objective problem; then, the improved sine cosine optimization algorithm is adopted to optimize the charging and discharging power and price which are used as variables. According to the multi-scenario simulation results of IEEE 33 node example, this strategy is able to dynamically adjust the electricity price with the change of electric vehicle network access, enhance the wind power consumption, and have better effects on reducing peak valley difference, charging cost and network loss.
        Key words: electric vehicles; wind power collaborative optimal scheduling; dynamic price; sine cosine optimization algorithm
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