(廣東工業大學 自動化學院,廣東 廣州 510006)
摘 要: 為探討高壓輸電線路下特殊地形的電場分布問題,利用Ansoft Maxwell 軟件建立了帶地線的水平排列500 kV 輸電線路模型。分析了各種可能存在的特殊地形所對應的數學模型下電場分布特性,結果表明,最大場強值與地表面的曲面程度很有關系,曲面所表示的數學模型不同其電場值相應也會有所不同,其走廊寬度也發生了變化。
關鍵詞: 高壓輸電線路;電場分布;Ansoft Maxwell 軟件;輸電線路模型;特殊地形
中圖分類號:TM726.1 文獻標識碼:A 文章編號:1007-3175(2015)03-0013-04
Numerical Analysis and Research of High-Voltage Transmission Lines Special Terrain Electric Field
PENG Pai, CHENG Han-xiang, CHEN Xing-can, YU Yin
(Faculty of Automation, Guangdong University of Technology, Guangzhou 510006, China)
Abstract: To explore the electric field distribution problem of special terrain under the high-voltage transmission lines, the software Ansoft Maxwell was used to establish a 500 kV transmission line model horizontally aligned with the ground. This paper analyzed the electric field distribution characteristics of a variety of special terrain that may exist a corresponding mathematical model. The result shows that the maximum electric field density is much related to cambering degree of the ground surface, the mathematical model of camber is corresponding to the electric field value and its aisle width.
Key words: high-voltage transmission line; electric field distribution; Ansoft Maxwell; transmission line model; special terrain
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