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    Suzhou Electric Appliance Research Institute
    期刊號: CN32-1800/TM| ISSN1007-3175

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    來源:電工電氣發布時間:2023-07-27 14:27 瀏覽次數:256


    (1 湖北民族大學 智能科學與工程學院,湖北 恩施 445000;
    2 國網湖北省電力有限公司恩施供電公司,湖北 恩施 445000)
        摘 要:針對傳統電能質量擾動分類方法需人工選取特征量,易受人為經驗干擾的問題,提出一種基于 VGG16 圖像特征提取和支持向量機 (SVM) 結合的電能質量擾動分類方法。通過格拉姆角場 (GAF) 將電能質量擾動信號映射到極坐標系中,生成格拉姆矩陣,并轉換為二維擾動圖像;利用 VGG16 網絡自動提取圖像特征的特點,將擾動圖像輸入 VGG16 網絡中進行提??;將提取的特征數據作為 SVM 分類器的輸入,并引入十折交叉驗證對SVM 進行訓練,以提升分類器的性能,最后對擾動信號進行準確分類。仿真結果表明,該方法對于電能質量擾動的分類具有較高的準確率。
        關鍵詞: 電能質量;擾動分類;格拉姆角場;VGG16 網絡;支持向量機;十折交叉驗證
        中圖分類號:TM712     文獻標識碼:A     文章編號:1007-3175(2023)07-0007-07
    Power Quality Disturbance Classification Based on
    VGG16 Image Feature Extraction and SVM
    TONG Zhan-bei1, ZHONG Jian-wei1, LI Zhen-wei2, WU Jian-jun2, LI Jia-jun2
    (1 College of Intelligent Systems Science and Engineering, Hubei Minzu University, Enshi 445000, China;
    2 State Grid Hubei Electric Power Co., Ltd. Enshi Power Supply Company, Enshi 445000, China)
        Abstract: Traditional power quality disturbance classification methods need to manually select feature quantities, which are susceptible to human experience interference. Hence, the paper proposes a power quality disturbance classification method based on the combination of VGG16 image feature extraction and Support Vector Machine (SVM). It first maps power quality disturbance signals to the polar coordinate system through Gramian Angular Field (GAF) to generate the Gramian matrix which is transformed into a two-dimensional disturbance image. Second, the characteristic of VGG16 network to automatically extract image features is used to input disturbed images into VGG16 network for extraction. Third, the extracted feature data is used as the input of SVM classifier, ten-fold cross-validation is introduced to train SVM to improve the performance of the classifier, and then disturbance signals are classified in an accurate way. The simulation results show that this method has higher accuracy of power quality disturbances classification.
        Key words: power quality; disturbance classification; Gramian angular field; VGG16 network; support vector machine; ten-fold cross-validation
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