(1 同濟大學 電子與信息工程學院,上海 201804;
2 上海施耐德低壓終端電器有限公司,上海 201109)
摘 要: 針對于目前故障檢測方法在智能電網應用中存在較大誤差的問題,介紹了一種基于貝葉斯網絡和關聯規則數據挖掘的算法模型,通過Hash 技術優化Apriori 算法,對原數據挖掘,去除不期望的候選項集,并通過貝葉斯網絡訓練樣本,減少檢測誤差,最終得到電網故障檢測結果。仿真結果表明,這種基于貝葉斯網絡和關聯規則挖掘算法的故障檢測模型,比傳統算法在電網故障檢測方面更有效率,且檢測誤差大幅降低。
關鍵詞: 智能電網故障檢測;關聯規則挖掘;頻繁項集優化;貝葉斯網絡
中圖分類號:TM743 文獻標識碼:A 文章編號:1007-3175(2015)03-0004-04
Optimization of Association Rules Mining Algorithm for Smart Grid Fault Detection
ZHU Wen-hao1,2, GUO Qi-yi1
(1 Department of Electrical Engineering, Tongji University, Shanghai 201804, China;
2 Schneider Shanghai Low Voltage Terminal Apparatus Co., Ltd, Shanghai 2011 09, China)
Abstract: Aiming at the problem that larger error always exists during the application of fault detection test method in smart grid, this paper introduced an algorithm model based on Bayesian network and association rule mining. With mining the original data and removing the undesired candidate, Apriori algorithm was optimized by Hash technology; also Bayesian network was introduced for sample training to decrease detection error, so as to finally obtain the result of power network fault detection. Simulation results show that compared with traditional algorithm, the proposed fault detection model, which is based on Bayesian network and association rules mining, is more efficient with lower detection error in power grid fault detection.
Key words: smart grid fault detection; association rules mining; frequent item set optimization; Bayesian network
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