(1 Zhejiang Provincial New Energy Investment Group Co., Ltd, Hangzhou 310002, China;
2 National Power Investment Group Zhejiang New Energy Co., Ltd, Hangzhou 310002, China;
3 Department of Electrical Engineering, Tsinghua University, Beijing 100084, China)
Abstract: As the operation of wind power or time-varying working condition has some effects on subsynchronous oscillation stability, the paper puts forward a SSO quantitative assessment method based on the variable condition impedance model. It expresses impedance matrix elements into the quotient of quadratic form of working conditions (i.e. fundamental voltage and current) to calculate the frequency characteristics of aggregated impedance under different operating points, analyzing SSO stability under various operating conditions. The proposed method, taking Xinjiang Hami wind power system as an example, makes quantitative analysis of oscillation stability of two typical operating conditions, and verifies them through electromagnetic transient simulation. According to the results, the change of operating conditions such as the wind turbine number and unit power output will affect the system oscillation stability. This method can effectively evaluate the system oscillation risk under different operating conditions.
Key words: subsynchronous oscillation; wind power integrated system; impedance model
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