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    Suzhou Electric Appliance Research Institute
    期刊號: CN32-1800/TM| ISSN1007-3175

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    來源:電工電氣發布時間:2023-10-17 14:17 瀏覽次數:196


    (1 平高集團有限公司,河南 平頂山 467000;
    2 西安交通大學 電氣工程學院,陜西 西安 710049)
        摘 要:智慧化高壓開關柜研制是實現變電站智能化升級改造的關鍵。介紹了高壓開關柜參量選擇,并基于全息感知設計思路,通過傳感器植入、融合設計技術等,設計了一種智慧化高壓開關柜,來實現高壓開關柜絕緣監測、狀態感知、機械特性、一鍵順控、環境治理等功能,通過在智能化變電站中的應用表明,其完全滿足智能化變電站要求。
        關鍵詞: 全息感知;局部放電;機械特性;一鍵順控
        中圖分類號:TM591     文獻標識碼:A     文章編號:1007-3175(2023)09-0057-04
    Development of Intelligent High Voltage Switchgears
    Based on Holographic Perception
    LI Jun-hao1,2, YANG Fei2, HE Hai-long2
    (1 Pinggao Group Co., Ltd, Pingdingshan 467000, China;
    2 School of Electrical Engineering, Xi'an Jiaotong University, Xi'an 710049, China)
        Abstract: The development of intelligent high-voltage switchgears is the key to realize the intelligent upgrading and transformation of substation. The paper first introduces the parameter selection of high-voltage switchgears, and then designs a kind of intelligent high-voltage switchgears through sensor implantation and integrated design technology based on the idea of holographic perception. This design can realize insulation monitoring, state perception, mechanical characteristics, one-key sequential control, environmental governance and other functions. The application in intelligent substations shows that it fully meets the requirements.
        Key words: holographic perception; partial discharge; mechanical characteristics; one-key sequential control
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