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    Suzhou Electric Appliance Research Institute
    期刊號: CN32-1800/TM| ISSN1007-3175

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    來源:電工電氣發布時間:2023-10-17 14:17 瀏覽次數:163


    (上海思源高壓開關有限公司,上海 201203)
        摘 要:氣體絕緣開關柜三工位開關斷口距離的氣隙擊穿情況可以通過雷電沖擊耐壓試驗來判斷其耐壓能力,對于不同的外形尺寸和不同的斷口距離,其雷電沖擊耐壓結果也就各不相同。提出用電場不均勻系數 η 和 50% 雷電沖擊擊穿場強 Eb 的關系來表示三工位開關斷口絕緣能力的方法,先利用電磁場有限元軟件對六氟化硫 (SF6) 用三工位開關模型進行計算分析求得不同斷口距離下的電場不均勻系數 η,再在空氣中進行一定數量的雷電沖擊試驗,計算得到 50% 雷電沖擊擊穿場強 Eb,并繪制成曲線關系圖。通過N2 用三工位開關的斷口來驗證該曲線的誤差,結果證明該方法具有實用性和有效性,可以用于三工位開關斷口的研究與開發。
        關鍵詞: 氣體絕緣開關柜;開關斷口;電場不均勻系數;擊穿場強
        中圖分類號:TM564     文獻標識碼:A     文章編號:1007-3175(2023)09-0043-04
    Research on Air Breakdown Voltage Tests of Three-Position Switch Fracture
    CHEN Jia-ming
    (Shanghai Sieyuan High Voltage Switchgear Co.,Ltd, Shanghai 201203,China)
        Abstract: The lightning impulse withstand voltage test can be used to judge the voltage capability of the air-gap breakdown of three-position switch fracture distance of gas-insulated switchgears, and the voltage capability results are various because of their different shape sizes and fracture distance. The paper proposes a method to represent the insulation capability of the three-position switch fracture through the relationship between the non-uniformity coefficient of electric field η and the 50% lightning impulse breakdown field strength Eb. Firstly, the electromagnetic field finite element software is used to calculate and analyze the three-position switch model of SF6 to obtain the non-uniformity coefficient of electric field η under different fracture distances. Then, a certain number of lightning impulse tests are carried out in the air to get the 50% lightning impulse breakdown field strength Eb and to plot them as a curve diagram.The error of this curve is verified by the fracture of the three-position switch of N2. The result proves that the method is practical and effective and can be used for research and development of the three-position switch fracture.
        Key words: gas-insulated switchgear; switch fracture; non-uniformity coefficient of electric field; breakdown field strength
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