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    Suzhou Electric Appliance Research Institute
    期刊號: CN32-1800/TM| ISSN1007-3175

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    40.5 kV充氣柜真空斷路器合閘彈跳故障分析及解決方法

    來源:電工電氣發布時間:2023-10-28 09:28 瀏覽次數:151

    40.5 kV充氣柜真空斷路器合閘彈跳故障分析及解決方法

    (許繼電氣股份有限公司,河南 許昌 461000)
        摘 要:在真空斷路器合閘過程中,彈跳時間過長會引起觸頭熔焊,導致用電事故的發生。對 40.5 kV 充氣柜真空斷路器的合閘彈跳產生機理進行分析,找到了真空斷路器合閘彈跳的影響因素,通過增加儲能彈簧初始壓力、降低滅弧室動端質量、設計動端導向及靜端緩沖裝置等方法有效降低斷路器合閘彈跳,并將優化后的真空斷路器彈跳特性控制到 2 ms 以內,滿足了標準要求,提高了設備使用的安全性與可靠性。
        關鍵詞: 斷路器;合閘彈跳;阻尼;操動機構;儲能彈簧
        中圖分類號:TM561.2     文獻標識碼:B     文章編號:1007-3175(2023)10-0049-04
    Analysis and Solution of the Vacuum Circuit Breaker Closing
    Bounce Fault in a 40.5 kV Inflatable Cabinet
    LI Meng, ZHAO Ying, NIU Ying-kai
    (XJ Electric Co., Ltd, Xuchang 461000, China)
        Abstract: During the process of vacuum circuit breaker closing, the long bouncing time causes contact welding, resulting in electrical accidents. After analyzing the mechanism of vacuum circuit breaker closing bounce in a 40.5 kV inflatable cabinet, the paper finds out the factors that affects closing bounce of vacuum circuit breakers. Through increasing initial pressure of the energy storage spring, reducing the moving end mass of the arc extinguishing chamber and designing the moving end guide and the static end buffer device, the closing bounce of circuit breakers is effectively decreased. Then, the bouncing characteristic of the optimized vacuum circuit breaker is controlled within 2 ms to meet the standard requirements, improving the safety and reliability of the equipment.
        Key words: circuit breaker; closing bounce; damping; operating mechanism; energy storage spring
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