800 kV GIS設備用盆式絕緣子設計開發
(1 河南平高電氣股份有限公司,河南 平頂山 467001;
2 杭州電子科技大學 自動化學院,浙江 杭州 311199)
摘 要:盆式絕緣子的可靠性對整套氣體絕緣金屬封閉開關設備 (GIS) 以及電網的安全運行至關重要。以 800 kV GIS 用盆式絕緣子為例,從盆式絕緣子的外形、屏蔽環、中心嵌件等方面綜合考慮進行結構設計,應用有限元分析軟件對關鍵部位的絕緣性能和機械性能進行仿真計算,計算結果滿足判據要求,并通過型式試驗驗證了設計的可行性。
關鍵詞: 氣體絕緣金屬封閉開關設備;盆式絕緣子;結構設計;絕緣性能;機械性能
中圖分類號:TM216 文獻標識碼:B 文章編號:1007-3175(2023)12-0054-05
Design and Development of Basin Insulator for 800 kV GIS
CHEN Shuan-cheng1, KANG Liu-tao1, SUN Bo-yang2
(1 Henan Pinggao Electric Co., Ltd, Pingdingshan 467001, China;
2 School of Automation, Hangzhou Dianzi University, Hangzhou 311199, China)
Abstract: The reliability of basin insulator is critical to the safe operation of complete Gas-Iinsulated Metal-Enclosed Switchgear(GIS) as well as the power grid. In this paper, taking the basin insulator used in 800 kV GIS as an example, the structural design of the basin insulator was comprehensively considered from the aspects of shape, shielding ring and center inset, etc, the insulation and mechanical properties of key parts were simulated calculated by finite element analysis software, the calculation results meet the criterion requirements, also the feasibility of the design was verified by type test.
Key words: gas-insulated metal-enclosed switchgear; basin insulator; mechanical design; insulation property; mechanical property
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