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    Suzhou Electric Appliance Research Institute
    期刊號: CN32-1800/TM| ISSN1007-3175

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    一起10 kV箱式柱上斷路器擊穿故障分析及處理

    來源:電工電氣發布時間:2023-12-28 12:28 瀏覽次數:112

    一起10 kV箱式柱上斷路器擊穿故障分析及處理

    (常州博瑞電力自動化設備有限公司,江蘇 常州 213025)
        摘 要:針對某架空線路上的斷路器故障導致保護跳閘動作,重合閘未能消除異常,現場發現 B 相絕緣套管樁頭有明顯燒蝕發黑的現象,對下桿的故障斷路器進行絕緣電阻和套管端子水平度試驗,明確了故障部位;查看饋線終端動作報告,拆解并查看箱內元器件情況,對絕緣套管開展 X 光透視和電場仿真分析,得出故障原因為 B 相帶電主回路貫穿受損的環氧樹脂層對殼體產生擊穿放電,沿面閃絡后引發單相接地故障;對同批次的套管進行機械和電氣性能測試,排除套管本身缺陷問題,明確套管開裂原因為其受到瞬間碰撞或人為搬抬時的外力作用導致環氧樹脂層受內應力并出現肉眼不可見的裂紋。提出了加強環氧樹脂澆注的生產工藝,適時開展工頻耐壓試驗等防范措施。
        關鍵詞: 斷路器;絕緣套管;擊穿;環氧樹脂;故障分析
        中圖分類號:TM561     文獻標識碼:B     文章編號:1007-3175(2023)12-0045-04
    Analysis and Treatment of a Breakdown Fault Happening to
    10 kV Box-Mode Column Circuit Breaker
    LI Xiao, ZHAO Gao-chao, HUI Jie, YUAN Yu-guo
    (Changzhou Boil Electric Power Automation Equipments Co., Ltd, Changzhou 213025, China)
        Abstract: A circuit breaker fault occurring to the overhead lines causes trip protection, the reclosing breaker failed to eliminate the abnormality,and the B-phase insulation sleeve pile head is found to have obvious ablation and blackening phenomenon. Through carrying out the insulation resistance test and bushing terminal levelness test to the fault circuit breaker of the lower pole, the fault part is located. Then,the paper views the feeder terminal action report, disassembles and checks the components in the box, and carries out X-ray fluoroscopy and electric field simulation analysis on the insulation sleeve. It finds out that B-phase charged main circuit penetrates the damaged epoxy resin layer, which produces disruptive discharge to the shell and leads to the single-phase grounding fault after the surface flashover. The mechanical and electric performance tests have been taken to the same batch of sleeves to eliminate their own defects, and the reason for sleeve cracking is the external force produced by instantaneous collision or artificial lifting causes the epoxy resin layer to bear internal stress to generate cracks invisible to the naked eye. Therefore, the paper puts forward preventive measures such as strengthening the production process of epoxy resin pouring and carrying out power-frequency voltage-withstand test in time.
        Key words: circuit breaker; insulation sleeve; breakdown; epoxy resin; fault analysis
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