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    Suzhou Electric Appliance Research Institute
    期刊號: CN32-1800/TM| ISSN1007-3175

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    來源:電工電氣發布時間:2024-02-01 09:01 瀏覽次數:165


    (山西潞光發電有限公司,山西 長治 046600)
        摘 要:對某火電廠施工調試期間發生電壓互感器一次設備布置差異導致相序相反、一次電壓與二次電壓相位相反,及電流互感器不同準確級的二次繞組使用錯誤,不同零序電流互感器對應負荷接線錯誤等問題,提出了比對設備出廠圖紙與設計院圖紙差異,規范二次回路接線,設備帶電后進行電壓與電流暫態、穩態幅值相位檢查,對比直流電阻值及伏安特性參數等施工注意事項及驗收的方法,有效確保了回路接線的正確性。
        關鍵詞: 互感器;二次繞組;布置順序;直流電阻
        中圖分類號:TM45     文獻標識碼:B     文章編號:1007-3175(2024)01-0038-04
    Analysis and Prevention of Common Problems in Construction and
    Acceptance of Secondary Circuit of Mutual Inductor
    SHI Wen-ding, YANG Qi
    (Shanxi Luguang Power Generation Co., Ltd, Changzhi 046600, China)
        Abstract: This paper is based on the difference in the layout of the primary equipment of the voltage mutual inductor during the construction and commissioning of a thermal power plant, which leads to the opposite phase sequence, the opposite phase of the primary voltage and the secondary voltage, the wrong use of the secondary winding of the current mutual inductor with different accuracy levels, and the wrong wiring of the corresponding load of different zero-sequence current mutual inductors. The method of comparing the difference between the factory drawing and the design institute drawing, standardizating the secondary circuit wiring, checking the voltage and current transient and steady-state amplitude phase after the equipment is charged, comparing the DC resistance value and voltammeter characteristic parameters and other construction considerations and acceptance are put forward, which effectively ensures the correctness of the circuit wiring.
        Key words: mutual inductor; secondary winding; arrangement order; DC resistance
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