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    Suzhou Electric Appliance Research Institute
    期刊號: CN32-1800/TM| ISSN1007-3175

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    來源:電工電氣發布時間:2024-02-01 09:01 瀏覽次數:130


    (國網江蘇省電力有限公司昆山市供電分公司,江蘇 昆山 215300)
        摘 要:中壓配電線路分級保護配置無統一標準,亟待尋找量化評價方法對各種分級保護方案進行準確評價,以尋求最優配置方案?;诂F有標準和規范介紹了配電線路分級保護的一般整定原則,根據變電站出線保護可整定的最長動作時間制定分級保護典型配置方案,計及分級保護延時跳閘導致的電壓驟降與主變損害影響,從長時停電、短時停電、電壓驟降影響以及主變損害程度 4 個方面定義了分級保護方案的評價指標,并兼顧供電可靠性與經濟性構建了分級保護方案綜合評價模型。以某典型中壓配電線路為例,對國內常見的分級保護方案進行綜合評價,根據評價結果得到與地區網架結構相適應的最優分級保護方案,驗證了評價方法的有效性。
        關鍵詞: 配電線路;分級保護;電壓驟降;主變損害;評價指標;綜合評價
        中圖分類號:TM773     文獻標識碼:A     文章編號:1007-3175(2024)01-0027-06
    Comprehensive Evaluation of Distribution Network Hierarchical Protection
    Considering Voltage Collapse and Main Transformer Damage
    WANG Biao, TU Jia-ming, WANG Jia-hao
    (Kunshan Power Supply Company of State Grid Jiangsu Electric Power Co., Ltd, Kunshan 215300, China)
        Abstract: Due to the lack of unified standards for the hierarchical protection configuration of medium voltage distribution lines, it is urgent to find a quantitative evaluation method to evaluate various hierarchical protection schemes accurately in order to find the optimal allocation scheme. Firstly, the general setting principles of hierarchical protection for distribution lines are introduced based on existing standards and specifications, and the typical configuration scenarios for hierarchical protection are developed according to the maximum action time that can be tuned for outgoing protection of substation. Secondly, taking into account the impact of voltage collapse and main transformer damage caused by delayed tripping of hierarchical protection, the evaluation indexes of the hierarchical protection are defined from four aspects:long-term power outage, short-term power outage, voltage collapse, and main transformer damage, on this basis, the comprehensive evaluation model combining power supply reliability and economy is constructed. Taking a typical medium-voltage distribution line as an example,a comprehensive evaluation of the common hierarchical protection schemes in China is carried out, and the optimal hierarchical protection scheme suitable for the regional grid structure is obtained according to the evaluation results, and the effectiveness of the evaluation method is verified.
        Key words: distribution line; hierarchical protection; voltage collapse; main transformer damage; evaluation index; comprehensive evaluation
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