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    Suzhou Electric Appliance Research Institute
    期刊號: CN32-1800/TM| ISSN1007-3175

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    來源:電工電氣發布時間:2024-02-01 10:01 瀏覽次數:170


    (中車大連電力牽引研發中心有限公司,遼寧 大連 116052)
        摘 要:高速磁懸浮列車采用直線同步電機作為其驅動裝置,其電流控制效果直接影響列車運行穩定性及舒適性。針對直線電機功率較大的特點,單相驅動時采用多 H 橋串聯方案,并可實現高低速運行時驅動拓撲切換,矢量控制中電機電流經過坐標變換后 dq 軸電流存在嚴重的交叉耦合,并且耦合分量隨著車速的增加不斷增大,從而降低了電流控制性能。為了提升電機動態控制效果,提出復矢量電流控制方法,并采用虛擬電阻解決了不同調制方式下電流振蕩問題,通過半實物仿真平臺對控制性能進行了驗證,仿真和實驗結果表明了電流控制策略的可行性和有效性。
        關鍵詞: 高速磁懸??;直線同步電機;復矢量電流控制;虛擬電阻;H 橋串聯
        中圖分類號:TM341     文獻標識碼:A     文章編號:1007-3175(2024)01-0021-06
    Research on Current Control Strategy of Linear Synchronous
    Motor for High Speed Maglev
    SONG Jun-jian, XU Wen-jing, LI Yun-nan, LIU Jia-wei, WANG Chuang
    (CRRC Dalian R&D Co., Ltd, Dalian 116052, China)
        Abstract: The high speed maglev train adopts linear synchronous motor as its driving device, whose current control effect directly affects the stability and comfort of the train. In view of the characteristics of large power of linear motor, the multi H-bridge series scheme is used in single-phase drive, and the drive topology switching can be realized when running at high and low speeds, and there is serious cross-coupling of the dq axis current after the coordinate transformation of the motor current in vector control, and the coupling component increases with the increase of vehicle speed, thereby reducing the current control performance. In order to improve the effect of motor dynamic control, a complex vector current control method is proposed, and the current oscillation under different modulation methods is solved by virtual resistance.The control performance is verified by the semi-physical simulation platform, and the simulation and experimental results show the feasibility and effectiveness of the current control strategy.
        Key words: high speed maglev; linear synchronous motor; complex vector current control; virtual resistance; H-bridge series
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