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    Suzhou Electric Appliance Research Institute
    期刊號: CN32-1800/TM| ISSN1007-3175

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    來源:電工電氣發布時間:2024-03-11 08:11 瀏覽次數:157


    (京鼎工程建設有限公司,北京 100011)
        摘 要:目前低壓電動機配電使用的 4 芯電纜比 3 芯電纜多出的 1 芯 PE 線在實際工程中往往并未發揮作用。GB 50217—2018《電力工程電纜設計標準》的實施首次提出了 TN-S 系統低壓電動機配電宜選用 3 芯電纜的表述。通過解析新規范內容,結合實例對目前主流的低壓電動機配電電纜的選型方案進行了對比分析,指出在合規和滿足適用需求的情況下合理選用電纜,可實現節能和環保。
        關鍵詞: 低壓電動機;電纜選型;接地故障;3 芯電纜;PE 導體
        中圖分類號:TM246     文獻標識碼:A     文章編號:1007-3175(2024)02-0063-07
    The Idea of Low-Voltage Motor Cable Selection Under the Background of Low Carbon
    YANG Peng
    (CTCI Beijing, Beijing 100011, China)
        Abstract: At present, there are two situations of using 4-core cable and 3-core cable for low-voltage motor power distribution, and the 1-core PE line with more than 4-core cable than 3-core cable often does not play a role in actual engineering. The implementation of GB 50217—2018 “Code for Design of Cables of Electric Engineering” for the first time put the statement that 3-core cables should be selected for the distribution of low-voltage motors in TN-S systems. By analyzing the content of the new specification, combined with examples, the current mainstream selection schemes of low-voltage motor distribution cables are compared and analyzed, and it is pointed out that reasonable selection of cables under the condition of compliance and meeting applicable requirements can achieve energy saving and environmental protection.
        Key words: low-voltage motor; cable selection; fault earthing; 3-core cable; PE conductor
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