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    Suzhou Electric Appliance Research Institute
    期刊號: CN32-1800/TM| ISSN1007-3175

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    來源:電工電氣發布時間:2016-03-14 15:14 瀏覽次數:9


    河源供電局,廣東 河源 517000 

    摘 要:介紹了單相接地時電流及電壓的變化及目前站內接地裝置的選線方式,分析了單相故障接地選線方法的原理并對選線方法進行改進,即將原有的補償方式改為采用并聯中電阻進行選線。經現場試驗驗證,采用并聯中電阻的選線方式不僅可準確選線,且減少接地點殘流,限制弧光接地過電壓,合理補償電容電流,提高了供電可靠性。
    中圖分類號:TM711 文獻標識碼:A 文章編號:1007-3175(2015)04-0038-04

    Analysis of Fault Line Selection Method for Single Phase in Small Current Earthing System 

    HE Shao-yang, YE Nan 
    Heyuan Power Supply Bureau, Heyuan 517000, China 

    Abstract: Introduction was made to the change of current and voltage at single phase earthing condition, and the line selection mode of the earthing device in substation. Analysis was made to the principle of line selection mode during single phase fault earthing and the line selection method was improved. In this way, the former compensation method should be altered and parallel resistor line selection mode was adopted. Through on-site test verification, the adopted parallel resistor line selection mode would not only contribute to the accurate line selection but also decrease the residual current of earthing point, so as to limit the over-voltage of arc grounding and to compensate the capacitive current reasonably, which improve the reliability of power supply.
    Key words: small current earthing mode; arc suppression coil; single phase earthing fault; medium resistance

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