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    Suzhou Electric Appliance Research Institute
    期刊號: CN32-1800/TM| ISSN1007-3175

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    來源:電工電氣發布時間:2024-04-07 09:07 瀏覽次數:114


    (現代重工(上海)研發有限公司,上海 201203)
        摘 要:雙動自能式滅弧室憑借操作功低、可靠性高的優勢,在 252 kV 的 SF6 高壓斷路器產品中有著成熟的應用。結合 252 kV 雙動自能式斷路器的開發項目,提出了動力學仿真在其產品開發中的實際應用。估算了分合閘操作功,用于機構的選型;利用剛體及剛柔耦合的多體動力學仿真得到關鍵零部件的受力結果,介紹了在理論和經驗的指導下,動力學仿真在解決實際故障中的應用,并通過具體參數的對比,指出了新型的雙動自能式斷路器的明顯優勢。
        關鍵詞: 雙動自能式;252 kV 斷路器;動力學仿真;滅弧室
        中圖分類號:TM561     文獻標識碼:B     文章編號:1007-3175(2024)03-0065-05
    Application of Dynamic Simulation in the Development of
    Dual-Motion Self-Blast Circuit Breakers
    WANG Chao
    (Hyundai Heavy Industries(Shanghai) R&D Co., Ltd, Shanghai 201203, China)
        Abstract: With the advantage of low operating energy and high reliability, the dual-motion self-blast interrupter has a mature application in 252 kV SF6 high-voltage circuit breaker products. In this paper, combined with the development project of 252 kV dual-motion self-blast circuit breaker, the practical application of dynamic simulation in product development is proposed. Firstly, the operating work of the closing and opening is estimated for the selection of the mechanism. Then, the stress results of key components are obtained by multi-body dynamic simulation of rigid body and rigid-flexible coupling, and the application of dynamic simulation in solving practical faults under the guidance of theory and experience is introduced. Finally, through the comparison of specific parameters, the obvious advantages of the new dual-motion self-blast circuit breaker are pointed out.
        Key words: dual-motion self-blast; 252 kV circuit breaker; dynamic simulation; interrupter
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