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    Suzhou Electric Appliance Research Institute
    期刊號: CN32-1800/TM| ISSN1007-3175

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    來源:電工電氣發布時間:2024-04-07 09:07 瀏覽次數:101


    (福州大學 電氣工程與自動化學院,福建 福州 350116)
        摘 要:實現配電站房運行狀態的準確評估對確保電力系統的穩定運行有著重要的意義。針對目前評估方法主觀性過強的問題,提出了一種基于 CRITIC-TOPSIS 的配電站房運行狀態評估方法?;趬毫?狀態-響應 (PSR) 框架的思維模式,建立科學合理的配電站房運行狀態評估指標體系,采用 CRITIC 賦權法確定各評價指標的權重,減少評價過程中的主觀性,建立 CRITIC-TOPSIS 評價模型,利用綜合接近度評估配電站房相對運行狀態,并確定狀態等級;引入稟賦效應來根據決策者的心理行為對評價結果進行調整,并對配電站房狀態情況進行優劣排序;根據某地區配電站房實際運行數據進行實例分析,所得評價結果具有客觀性和合理性。
        關鍵詞: 配電站房;狀態評估;壓力- 狀態- 響應框架;CRITIC-TOPSIS 評價模型;稟賦效應
        中圖分類號:TM641     文獻標識碼:A     文章編號:1007-3175(2024)03-0038-06
    Operational Status Evaluation of Distribution Station
    Room Based on CRITIC-TOPSIS
    LUO Kun, GAO Wei, HONG Cui
    (College of Electrical Engineering and Automation, Fuzhou University, Fuzhou 350116, China)
        Abstract: It is of great significance to realize the accurate evaluation of the operation status of the distribution station room to ensure the stable operation of the power system. In response to the issue of excessive subjectivity in current assessment methods, a new evaluation method of the operating state of distribution station room based on CRITIC-TOPSIS is proposed. Firstly, adopting the pressure-state-response framework mindset, a scientifically reasonable evaluation index system for the operational status of distribution station room is established.Then, the CRITIC weighting method is employed to determine the weights of each evaluation index, reducing subjectivity in the assessment process. The CRITIC-TOPSIS evaluation model is established to assess the relative operational status of distribution station room using comprehensive closeness and to determine status grades. Simultaneously, the endowment effect is introduced to adjust the evaluation results based on the decision-maker's psychological behavior, and the state of the distribution station room was ranked. Finally, according to the case analysis of the actual operation data of the distribution station room in a certain area, the evaluation results obtained are objective and reasonable.
        Key words: distribution station room; status evaluation; pressure-state-response framework; CRITIC-TOPSIS evaluation model; endowment effect
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