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    Suzhou Electric Appliance Research Institute
    期刊號: CN32-1800/TM| ISSN1007-3175

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    來源:電工電氣發布時間:2024-04-07 13:07 瀏覽次數:109


    (1 國網江蘇省電力有限公司泰州供電分公司,江蘇 泰州 225300;
    2 南京工程學院 電力工程學院,江蘇 南京 211167)
        摘 要:針對當下能源系統的低碳性與經濟性難以兼顧的難題,提出一種以熱電聯產機組為核心,耦合碳捕集與電轉氣設備,并計及液化天然氣冷能利用的新運行模式?;谠撨\行模式,構建“源-荷”協同優化的綜合能源系統低碳經濟調度模型。以系統總成本最小為目標函數,“源”側采用新運行模式的同時,利用需求響應策略使“荷”側可調度資源靈活化引入并參與低碳經濟調度。以北方某地區綜合能源系統為例,基于 MATLAB/Yalmip 利用 Gurobi 求解器搭建并完成所提模型求解,分析各場景下模型碳排放、棄風、棄光以及經濟情況。算例表明,該模型有效降低系統碳排放,提升新能源消納空間并保證系統經濟效益。
        關鍵詞: 綜合能源系統;低碳性;碳捕集;需求響應;碳交易
        中圖分類號:TM734 ;F407.2     文獻標識碼:A     文章編號:1007-3175(2024)03-0006-09
    Research on Low-Carbon Economic Dispatch Strategy of Integrated
    Energy System Based on Source-Load Collaborative Optimization
    YUAN Le1, ZHU Ying1, GAO Rui-yang2
    (1 State Grid Jiangsu Electric Power Co., Ltd. Taizhou Power Supply Company, Taizhou 225300, China;
    2 School of Electric Power Engineering, Nanjing Institute of Technology, Nanjing 211167, China)
        Abstract: In order to solve the problem that it is difficult to balance the low-carbon and economic efficiency of the current energy system,a new operation mode with the cogeneration unit as the core, coupling carbon capture and power-to-gas equipment, and taking into account the utilization of liquefied natural gas cold energy is proposed. Based on this operation mode, a low-carbon economic dispatch model of integrated energy system with "source-load" collaborative optimization is constructed. In the model, with the minimum total cost of the system as the objective function, while the "source" side adopts the new operation mode, the demand response strategy makes the "load" side flexibly introduce and participate in the low-carbon economic dispatch. Taking a comprehensive energy system in a northern region as an example,based on MATLAB/Yalmip, Gurobi solver was used to build and solve the proposed model, and carbon emission, wind abandonment, light abandonment and economic conditions of the model were analyzed under each scenario. The simulation results show that the proposed model can effectively reduce the carbon emission of the system, improve the consumption space of new energy and ensure the economic benefits of the system.
        Key words: integrated energy system; low-carbon; carbon capture; demand response; carbon trade
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