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    Suzhou Electric Appliance Research Institute
    期刊號: CN32-1800/TM| ISSN1007-3175

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    XGN-40.5 kV氣體絕緣金屬封閉開關設備抗震性能研究

    來源:電工電氣發布時間:2024-05-08 08:08 瀏覽次數:60

    XGN-40.5 kV氣體絕緣金屬封閉開關設備抗震性能研究

    (平高集團有限公司,河南 平頂山 467000)
        摘 要:軌道交通供電系統在山地尤其高海拔地區建設條件相對惡劣,對供電系統設備的抗震性能的要求也不斷提升。以 XGN-40.5 kV 氣體絕緣金屬封閉開關設備(GIS)為研究對象,采用有限元分析軟件,建立三維有限元計算模型,在自重載荷條件下對其進行靜力分析、模態分析和地震作用下的反應譜分析。計算結果表明:該 GIS 開關設備具有較好的抗震性能,在 0.5g 地震激勵下的抗震性能滿足規范要求。
        關鍵詞: 軌道交通;氣體絕緣金屬封閉開關設備;抗震性能;靜力分析;模態分析;反應譜分析
        中圖分類號:TM564 ;TM595     文獻標識碼:B     文章編號:1007-3175(2024)04-0065-07
    Research on Seismic Performance of XGN-40.5 kV Gas-Insulated Switchgear
    LUO Yu-xin, HUANG Xin, HAO Liu-cheng, JIANG Yun-feng, ZHANG Zhi-hui, LIU Zi-jian
    (Pinggao Group Co., Ltd, Pingdingshan 467000, China)
        Abstract: The construction condition of rail transit power supply system is relatively bad in mountainous area, especially in high altitude area, and the requirement of seismic performance of power supply system equipment is also increasing. Taking XGN-40.5 kV gas-insulated switchgear(GIS)switchgear as the research object, using finite element analysis software, establishing the three-dimensional finite element calculation model, and the static analysis, modal analysis and response spectrum analysis under self-weight load are carried out. The calculation results show that the GIS switchgear has good seismic performance, and the seismic performance under 0.5g seismic excitation meets the requirements of the specification.
        Key words: rail transit; gas-insulated switchgear; seismic performance; static analysis; modal analysis; response spectrum analysis
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