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    Suzhou Electric Appliance Research Institute
    期刊號: CN32-1800/TM| ISSN1007-3175

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    來源:電工電氣發布時間:2024-05-08 11:08 瀏覽次數:72


    (上海電機學院 商學院,上海 201306)
        摘 要:隨著高比例分布式光伏接入配電網,如何對線路進行規劃與源- 儲定址定容成為無法避免的問題。提出了配電網源- 網- 荷- 儲雙層聯合擴展規劃策略,上層以配電網系統網絡年投資費用最小和網損懲罰費用最小為目標建立線路規劃模型,實現對配電網線路走向的改進;下層針對源、荷的不確定性以配電網運行收益最大為目標建立配電網源- 儲定址定容模型,同時引入不確定性參數對源- 荷不確定性集的范圍進行約束。針對所建雙層規劃模型非線性、難求解問題,基于二階錐松弛算法將上述非凸、非線性優化規劃模型轉換為二階錐優化模型,進而獲得全局最優解,以此得到分布式光伏以及儲能的最佳接入位置和容量。仿真結果表明, 該方法可有效降低配電網的規劃成本,促進分布式電源的消納。
        關鍵詞: 主動配電網;分布式電源;二階錐松弛;雙層聯合規劃
        中圖分類號:TM715     文獻標識碼:A     文章編號:1007-3175(2024)04-0027-07
    Design of Source-Grid-Load-Storage Joint Planning Method for
    Distribution Network Based on Second-Order Cone Planning
    CHEN Hong-yu, MA Hong-wei
    (School of Business, Shanghai Dianji University, Shanghai 201306, China)
        Abstract: With the high proportion of distributed photovoltaic accesses to the distribution network, how to plan the transmission line and how to locate and determine the capacity of the source-storage has become an inevitable problem. In this paper, a dual-layer joint expansion planning strategy on source-grid-load-storage of distribution network is proposed. The upper layer establishes a line planning model with the goal of minimizing annual investment cost and network loss penalty cost of the distribution network system, to achiev improvements in the direction of the distribution network lines; the lower layer in view of the uncertainty of source and load, the source-storage addressing and capacity setting model of the distribution network is established with the goal of maximizing the operation income of the distribution network, and the uncertainty parameters are introduced to constrain the range of the source-load uncertainty set. To solve the non-linear and difficult optimization problems in the proposed dual-layer planning model, the above non-convex and nonlinear optimal programming model is transformed into a second-order cone optimization model based on the second-order cone relaxation algorithm and then the global optimal solution is realized, so as to obtain the optimal access location and capacity of distributed photovoltaic and energy storage. The simulation results show that the proposed method can effectively reduce the planning cost of the distribution network and promote the consumption of distributed power source.
        Key words: active distribution network; distributed power source; second-order cone relaxation; dual-layer joint planning
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