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    Suzhou Electric Appliance Research Institute
    期刊號: CN32-1800/TM| ISSN1007-3175

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    來源:電工電氣發布時間:2024-06-03 12:03 瀏覽次數:61


    (1 臨沂超越電力建設有限公司,山東 臨沂 276006;
    2 山東網源電力工程有限公司,山東 濟南 250118)
        摘 要:數字孿生技術通過構建物理實體在虛擬空間的數字映射,能夠實現對變電站全生命周期的模擬、分析和管理,從而實現變電站運行狀態的動態模擬和優化決策,為變電站的智能管理與運維優化提供了新的解決方案。對變電站智能管理與運維現狀進行了分析,以數字孿生技術為核心,對變電站數字孿生模型構建進行了闡述,探討了其在變電站智能管理與運維中的應用,并結合其在變電站智能管理中的應用案例,提出了一系列優化策略。
        關鍵詞: 數字孿生技術;變電站;智能管理;運維優化;智能電網
        中圖分類號:TM63 ;TP391.9     文獻標識碼:B     文章編號:1007-3175(2024)05-0069-05
    Research on Substation Intelligent Management and Operation and
    Maintenance Optimization Based on Digital Twin Technology
    WANG Lu1, MIAO Song2
    (1 Linyi Beyond Power Construction Co., Ltd, Linyi 276006, China;
    2 Shandong Netsource Power Engineering Co., Ltd, Jinan 250118, China)
        Abstract: Digital twin technology can simulate, analyze and manage the whole life cycle of substation by constructing the digital mapping of physical entity in virtual space, then the dynamic simulation and optimal decision of substation operation state was realized,and provided new solution for substation intelligent management and operation and maintenance optimization. The present situation of substation intelligent management and operation and maintenance was analyzed, in this paper, taking digital twin technology as the core, stating construction of substation digital twin model, discussing the digital twin technology in substation intelligent management and operation and maintenance,and combing with application cases of the digital twin technology in substation intelligent management. Finally, a series of optimization strategies were proposed.
        Key words: digital twin technology; substation; intelligent management; operation and maintenance optimization; smart grid
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