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    Suzhou Electric Appliance Research Institute
    期刊號: CN32-1800/TM| ISSN1007-3175

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    來源:電工電氣發布時間:2024-06-03 13:03 瀏覽次數:53


    袁之元, 魏林影
    (鎮江三新供電服務有限公司丹陽分公司,江蘇 鎮江 212300)
        摘 要:考慮分布式新能源出力隨機性對調控策略執行效果的影響,研究了基于電壓風險評估和主動重構的日前調度技術?;诠夥隽︻A測和負荷預測,以電壓安全概率風險最小為目標,以開合聯絡開關為控制變量,應用二階錐松弛過的 Distflow 潮流模型進行求解,獲取電壓安全概率風險最小的配網重構方案。通過對 IEEE 33 節點配網進行算例分析,仿真結果驗證了所提基于電壓風險評估與主動重構的日前降損策略的可行性。
        關鍵詞: 日前調度;二階錐松弛;Distflow 潮流模型;配網重構;降損
        中圖分類號:TM732     文獻標識碼:B     文章編號:1007-3175(2024)05-0041-06
    Loss Reduction Technology Based on Distributed New Energy and
    Distribution Network Reconstruction
    YUAN Zhi-yuan, WEI Lin-ying
    (Zhenjiang Sanxin Power Supply Service Co., Ltd. Danyang Branch, Zhenjiang 212300, China)
        Abstract: Considering the influence of the randomness of distributed renewable energy output on the implementation effect of the control strategy, the day-ahead scheduling technology based on voltage risk assessment and active reconstruction was studied. Based on the photovoltaic output prediction and load prediction, this paper takes the minimum probability risk of voltage safety as the goal, and the opening and closing contact switches as control variable. A second-order cone relaxations Distflow flow model was applied to solve and obtain the distribution network reconstruction plan with the minimum voltage safety probability risk. Through the analysis of the IEEE 33 node distribution network, the simulation results verify the feasibility of the proposed day-ahead loss reduction strategy based on voltage risk assessment and active reconstruction.
        Key words: day-ahead scheduling; second-order cone relaxations; Distflow flow model; distribution network reconstruction; loss reduction
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