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    Suzhou Electric Appliance Research Institute
    期刊號: CN32-1800/TM| ISSN1007-3175

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    來源:電工電氣發布時間:2024-06-03 14:03 瀏覽次數:59


    (1 中冶華天南京工程技術有限公司,江蘇 南京 210019;
    2 國網江蘇綜合能源服務有限公司,江蘇 南京 210019)
        摘 要:包含多種不同分布式電源的微電網供電方式靈活多變,通過電源間的協調配合,足以應對不同的工作環境。從不同分布式電源建模入手,基于光伏供電系統、電池儲能系統、小型柴油發電系統三種分布式電源的基本原理構建了其合適的等效模型,并根據三種分布式電源各自的特點及供電條件建立了其對應的并網模型及控制轉換系統。以此為基礎,構建了包含光伏、電池儲能、柴油發電機的微電網系統。在 PSCAD 平臺上建立此微電網仿真模型,對該微電網在并網運行和孤島運行兩大工況下進行仿真分析,并提出六種不同的運行方式,介紹了每種供電模式適用的場景,界定各模式啟用和退出的相關條件,仿真結果表明,含光儲柴的微電網模型在這六種供電模式下均可實現穩定可靠供電。
        關鍵詞: 分布式電源;微電網;供電模式
        中圖分類號:TM732     文獻標識碼:A     文章編號:1007-3175(2024)05-0025-09
    Research on the Modeling of Power Supply Mode of
    Microgrid with Photovoltaic Storage Diesel
    CHENG Le-rong1, JI Li2
    (1 Huatian Nanjing Engineering & Technology Corporation MCC, Nanjing 210019, China;
    2 State Grid Jiangsu Integrated Energy Service Co., Ltd, Nanjing 210019, China)
        Abstract: The power supply mode of microgrid, which contains a variety of different distributed power sources, is flexible and changeable,and is enough to cope with different working environments through the coordination and cooperation between power sources. Starting from the modeling of different distributed power supply, this paper constructs an appropriate equivalent model based on the basic principles of three distributed power supply: photovoltaic power supply system, battery energy storage system and small diesel power power supply system, and establishes the corresponding grid-connected model and control conversion system according to the respective characteristics and power supply conditions of the three distributed generators. On this basis, a microgrid system including photovoltaic, battery energy storage and diesel generator is constructed. The simulation model of the microgrid was established on the PSCAD platform, and the microgrid was simulated and analyzed under the two working conditions of grid-connected operation and isolated operation, and six different operation modes were proposed, the applicable scenarios of each power supply mode were introduced, and the relevant conditions for the activation and exit of each mode were defined. The simulation results show that the microgrid model with photovoltaic storage diesel can achieve stable and reliable power supply in these six power supply modes.
        Key words: distributed power supply; microgrid ; power supply mode
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