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    Suzhou Electric Appliance Research Institute
    期刊號: CN32-1800/TM| ISSN1007-3175

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    來源:電工電氣發布時間:2024-07-03 09:03 瀏覽次數:41


    (1 湖北民族大學 智能科學與工程學院,湖北 恩施 445000;
    2 國網湖北省電力有限公司恩施供電公司,湖北 恩施 445000)
        摘 要:現有并網系統中傳統 LCL 濾波器有效解決了電流諧振問題,而分裂電容型 LCL 濾波器則進一步降低了阻尼電阻的功率損耗。針對分裂電容型 LCL 濾波器的參數配置繁瑣、計算密集、準確性低等問題,提出一種基于 NSGA Ⅲ 多目標優化算法來設計濾波器的參數,并給出了濾波器參數尋優的實現流程。仿真結果表明,該方法不僅改善了濾波性能和系統穩定性,還降低了功率損耗,大大降低了設計過程對經驗的依賴,濾波器參數設計更加具有普適性。
        關鍵詞: LCL 濾波器;分裂電容;NSGA Ⅲ多目標優化算法;參數設計;功率損耗
        中圖分類號:TM464     文獻標識碼:A     文章編號:1007-3175(2024)06-0010-08
    Parameter Optimization Design of Split-Capacitor
    LCL Filter for Grid-Connected Inverter
    YIN Jia-jie1, ZHONG Jian-wei1, TAN Ai-guo1, ZHENG Jian-e2, MU Shi-xue2
    (1 College of Intelligent Systems Science and Engineering, Hubei Minzu University, Enshi 445000, China;
    2 State Grid Hubei Electric Power Co., Ltd. Enshi Power Supply Company, Enshi 445000, China)
        Abstract: In existing grid-connected systems, traditional LCL filters effectively solve the problem of current resonance, while split-capacitor LCL filters further reduce power loss in damping resistors. Aim at the problems that split-capacitor LCL filters exists complex parameter configuration, computational intensity and low accuracy associated. In this paper, a filter parameter design approach based on the NSGA III multi-objective optimization algorithm is proposed, and the realization flow of filter parameter optimization is also given. The simulation results indicate that the method not only improves filtering performance and system stability but also reduces power loss, greatly reduces the dependence on experience in the design process, and the filter parameter design is more universal.
        Key words: LCL filter; split-capacitor; NSGA III multi-objective optimization algorithm; parameter design; power loss
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