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    Suzhou Electric Appliance Research Institute
    期刊號: CN32-1800/TM| ISSN1007-3175

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    來源:電工電氣發布時間:2024-08-01 14:01 瀏覽次數:12


    (湖南省計量檢測研究院,湖南 長沙 410018)
        摘 要:光伏電網受天氣因素和非線性負載等影響,直流電信號中存在的擾動成分使得電能質量評估的準確性難以保障。利用復合多尺度模糊熵可克服光伏直流電信號初始單分量相似性度量突變的問題,構建了正則化 CMFE 算子評估各初始單分量重構后的復雜度并約束殘余量能量最小,從而實現電信號和噪聲等擾動的準確分離,在此基礎上,提出了基于部分重構辛幾何模態分解(PRSGMD)的光伏直流電信號自適應去噪方法,結合極限梯度提升機(XGBoost)可有效挖掘特征與暫態穩定性之間關系的優勢,實現了光伏直流電信號中復合擾動的分離和識別。
        關鍵詞: 光伏;電能質量擾動識別;部分重構辛幾何模態分解;極限梯度提升機
        中圖分類號:TM615     文獻標識碼:A     文章編號:1007-3175(2024)07-0061-07
    Photovoltaic DC Power Quality Disturbance Identification
    Based on PRSGMD-XGBoost
    ZHU Xian-yu, XIONG Jie, LI Qing-xian, LIU Liang-jiang, ZUO Cong-rui, LIU Qing
    (Hunan Institute of Metrology and Test, Changsha 410018, China)
        Abstract: The photovoltaic (PV) grid is affected by weather factors and nonlinear loads, and the disturbance components in the direct current (DC) signal make it difficult to ensure the accuracy of power quality assessment. Therefore, in this paper the problem that the composite multiscale fuzzy entropy (CMFE) can overcome the sudden change of the initial single component similarity measure of the photovoltai DC signal is utilized, then the regularized CMFE operator is constructed to evaluate the complexity of each initial single component after reconstruction, while constraining the residual energy to be minimized, and finally the separation of electrical signals and noise and other disturbance is realized. On this basis, an adaptive denoising method for photovoltai DC signal based on partial reconstruction of symplectic geometry mode decomposition (PRSGMD) is proposed, and combined with the advantage that extreme gradient boosting (XGBoost) can effectively mine the relationship between features and transient stability, the separation and identification of compound disturbance in photovoltaic DC signals is realized.
        Key words: photovoltaic; power quality disturbance identification; partial reconstruction of symplectic geometry mode decomposition;extreme gradient boosting
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