(Super High Voltage Company of State Grid Ningxia Electric Power Co., Ltd, Yinchuan 750011, China)
Abstract: The existing cooling system of converter transformer is insufficient in heat dissipation potential during periods of heavy load,which to some extent leads to the deterioration of the operating conditions of the converter transformer, and has a negative impact on the life of the converter transformer. Under the premise that the existing converter transformer cooling method remains unchanged, this paper proposes a design scheme that uses the water spray method to help reduce the temperature rise of converter transformer body and cooler, the design process of each auxiliary cooling system and the calculation of the displacement of oil pool in rheological accident of the converter transformer are given, and good cooling effect is achieved in the work site. The scheme uses the cold water pool outside the valve of the existing converter station as the water source, has less input, is convenient for the operation and maintenance of the staff, and is convenient for the comprehensive management of the converter station, and has certain promotion value.
Key words: converter transformer; water spray; cooling system; dissipate heat
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