國網電力科學研究院武漢南瑞有限責任公司,湖北 武漢 430074
摘 要:為提高變壓器等高壓設備的智能化,研制了一種融合先進傳感技術、人工智能技術、信號處理與控制技術及通信技術于一體的變壓器智能組件。該智能組件與裝有傳感器的變壓器對接,通過傳感器采集變壓器實時狀態數據,再通過智能專家系統,對變壓器潛伏性故障、早期故障以及突發性故障做出預先判斷,從而實現變壓器的智能化,保證了電力變壓器的安全可靠運行。
中圖分類號:TM41;TP182 文獻標識碼:A 文章編號:1007-3175(2015)04-0015-04
Research and Application of Intelligentized Technology of Power Transformer
SUN Hao, ZHANG Hai-long, LU Wen-hua
Wuhan NARI Limited Liability Company, State Grid Electric Power Research Institute, Wuhan 430074, China
Abstract: To improve the intellectualization of transformers and other high-voltage equipment, this paper studied on a kind of intelligent transformer component merging advanced sensor technology, artificial intelligent technology, signals processing technology, control technology and communication technology. The intelligent components were connected with the transformers installed with sensors. Real-time status data of the transformers were collected by the sensors. With the intelligent expert system, potential failures, early failure and sudden failure of the transformers were judged in advance, which has achieved the intellectualization of transformers and ensures the safe and reliable operation of power transformers.
Key words: transformer; intelligent components; intelligent electronic device
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