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    Suzhou Electric Appliance Research Institute
    期刊號: CN32-1800/TM| ISSN1007-3175

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    來源:電工電氣發布時間:2024-08-01 15:01 瀏覽次數:10


    (國網江蘇省電力有限公司鹽城供電分公司,江蘇 鹽城 224000)
        摘 要:伴隨著參與電力市場的主體類型數量逐漸上升,經典的優化理論與常規博弈模型已經很難解決受多種因素影響的多主體行為決策模型。針對目前市場環境下新能源發電商與火力發電商的集中競價行為,建立了競爭型代理模式下的三主體演化博弈模型。以參與博弈的主體有限理性以及市場化環境下有限信息,通過理論推導出了各主體在不同階段、不同政策下的最優競爭策略,通過算例分析了發電商和政府部門的演化結果、策略應對以及其中影響決策的主要因素,驗證了演化博弈在市場背景下多主體最優策略分析中的有效性,并為發電側主體的行為和政府部門的政策提供了建議。
        關鍵詞: 發電競價;發電側;演化博弈;多群體策略均衡
        中圖分類號:F206 ;TM61     文獻標識碼:A     文章編號:1007-3175(2024)07-0001-10
    The Analysis of Tripartite Evolutionary Game of New Energy Technology
    Development Under the Government Incentive Mechanism
    ZHOU Lu-yao, LIU Fu-zhou, YUAN Bo-wen, LU Yu-xuan, WU Tian-xiong
    (State Grid Jiangsu Electric Power Co., Ltd. Yancheng Power Supply Company, Yancheng 224000, China)
        Abstract: With the gradual increase of the number of entities participating in the electricity market, it was difficult for classical optimization theory and classic game model to solve the multi-agent behavior decision-making model affected by multiple factors. In view of the centralized bidding behavior of new energy power generators and thermal power generators in the current market environment, a three-subject evolutionary game model under the competitive agency model was established. Based on the limited rationality of the subjects participating in the game and the limited information in the market-oriented environment, the optimal competition strategy of each subject in different stages and different policies were theoretically deduced. This paper analyzes the evolution results, strategic responses and the main factors affecting the decision-making of power generators and government departments through examples, it verifies the effectiveness of evolutionary game in the analysis of multi-agent optimal strategies in the market context, provides suggestions for the behavior of generation side and the policies of government departments.
        Key words: power generation bidding; generation side; evolutionary game; multi-group strategy equilibrium
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