福建電網500 kV變電站D5000調控一體化系統應用
(福建省電力有限公司檢修分公司,福建 廈門 361012)
摘 要: 介紹了傳統500 kV 變電站調控一體管理模式存在的不足,基于實際情況分析了原有CC-2000A 調控系統運行階段存在的問題及新一代D5000 智能調控一體化系統開發與應用方向、系統結構和硬件結構,并提出了省調主站系統信息核對方法,結果表明:該方法能夠切實保障D5000 調控一體化系統上線運行后的安全性和可靠性。
關鍵詞: 調控一體;無人值守;系統結構
中圖分類號:TM63 文獻標識碼:A 文章編號:1007-3175(2015)05-0050-04
D5000 Control Integration System Application in 500 kV Substation of Fujian Power Grid
WU Yi-xiang, ZHENG Jian-hui
(Maintenance Branch of Fujian Power Company Limited, Xiamen 361012, China)
Abstract: Introduction was made to the insufficiency existing in the control integration management mode in traditional 500 kV substation. Based on the practical situation, this paper analyzed the problems existing in implementation phase of the original regulator control system CC-2000A. The new generation intelligent control integration system D5000 was developed and its application system architecture and hardware architecture were given. The master station system information check method was proposed. The result shows that this method can ensure the security and reliability of online operation of the control integration system D5000.
Key words: control integration; unattended operation; system architecture
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