(山東省產品質量檢驗研究院,山東 濟南 250102)
摘 要:以漏電斷路器作為對象,來研究分析短路分斷產生的電弧問題,給出了電弧能量方程和電弧持續時間相關因素,通過改變短路電流、功率因數、合閘角度等條件,采用高速數據采集系統進行數據收集,對短路分斷過程中的電弧能量進行數據解析,為相關企業進行允通能量驗證時優化試驗流程提供了幫助。
中圖分類號:TM561 文獻標識碼:B 文章編號:1007-3175(2016)01-0049-04
Influencing Factors Analysis on Electric Arc Energy of Residual-Current Circuit Breaker
ZHANG Jian-cheng
(Shandong Product Quality Inspection Research Institute, Jinan 250102, China)
Abstract: Taking the residual-current circuit breaker as the object, this paper studied and analyzed the electric arc problems caused by short-circuit breaking, giving the electric arc energy equation and the relevant factors of electric arc time of duration. Via changing the conditions such as short-circuit current, power factor and closing angle, the high speed data acquisition system was adopted to carry out data analysis on electric arc energy in short-circuit breaking process, which provides help for optimal experiment flow when the relevant enterprise verifies let-through energy.
Key words: electric arc; residual-current circuit breaker; electric arc energy; closing angle; data acquisition system
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