廣東電網公司佛山供電局,廣東 佛山 528000
摘 要: 提出了反映電網結構是否適于調度權下放的一些指標,在此基礎上運用層次分析法和熵權決策理論對電網結構進行綜合評價。用層次分析法確定各指標的主觀權重,用熵權法得到客觀權重,將主觀和客觀評價相結合,通過實際算例分析,對可靠性和安全性指標進行評價,將可靠性和安全性指標的偏離度作為上一級指標的數據進行最后的綜合評價。該方法可指導電力系統調度運行,從而有效地減少調度員的操作量,提高調度工作效率。
關鍵詞: 調度權;電網結構;層次分析法;熵權;熵權決策理論
中圖分類號:TM711 文獻標識碼:B 文章編號: 1007-3175(2013)03-0057-05
Combined Use of Analytic Hierarchy Process and Entropy Weight Decision Theory in Grid Structure Evaluation
QI Yu-guo
Foshan Power Supply Bureau of Guangdong Power Grid Company, Foshan 528000, China
Abstract: Some indices were raised to reflect the suitability of power grid structure for the dispatching right devolution. On the basis of this, the analytic hierarchy process (AHP) and entropy weight decision-making theory were used to comprehensively assess the power grid structure. The AHP was employed to determine the subjective weights, while the entropy weight used for attaining the objective weights. The subjective assessment was combined with the objective assessment. Via the practical example analysis, the reliability and safety indices were carried out assessment, and the offset degree of reliability and safety indices was taken as the data of indices at the next higher level to carry out final, comprehensive assessment. This method can guide the operation of power system dispatching to reduce workload of dispatchers effectively and to improve efficiency of dispatching.
Key words: dispatching right; power grid structure; analytical hierarchy process; entropy weight; entropy weight decision-making theory
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