高壓變頻器在600 MW超臨界機組凝結水泵中的應用
廣東紅海灣發電有限公司,廣東 汕尾 516600
摘 要: 介紹了一種凝結水泵采用一拖二變頻調速控制的改造方案,分析了變頻器的工作原理及系統結構,通過對凝結水泵在不同負荷工況下變頻調速控制和工頻控制運行情況的比較分析,可知凝結水泵采用高壓變頻技術具有顯著的節能效果,并提高了設備的安全可靠性。
中圖分類號:TM344.6 文獻標識碼:A 文章編號:1007-3175(2013)03-0037-03
Application of High-Voltage Frequency Converter in Condensation Pumps of 600MW Ultra Critical Generation Set
RAO Yun-tang
Guangdong Red Bay Generation Co., Ltd, Shanwei 516600, China
Abstract: Introduction was made to a kind of reform plan using one frequency converter to drive two condensate pumps and analysis was made to the working principle and system structure of converter. This paper compared and analyzed variable frequency speed regulation control and working frequency control operation situation of condensate pumps under different load conditions. The result shows that the condensate pump adopting high-voltage variable frequency technology is with obvious energy-saving effect and high safety and reliability.
Key words: condensate pump; frequency converter; energy-saving
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